摘 要
本文主要是对超轻聚合物发泡水泥的工作性能及配合比改进进行了研究,内容包括超轻聚合物发泡水泥板的制备过程,微纳米材料(碳黑,碳纳米管,纳米二氧化硅等)及大宗固废(粉煤灰,炉底渣)对发泡水泥的影响,并对其后期力学性能进行分析。对超轻聚合物发泡水泥的原材料,成型流程,原材料对发泡水泥性能的影响因素等进行了介绍。在课题组现有配方基础上,针对发泡水泥板存在的问题,本文提出了以下预期目标:在发泡水泥制备过程中,通过加入微纳米材料或改变固废掺量,调整现有配方的配比,配制出干表观密度低于160kg/m3,吸水率低于3%,固废掺量达50%以上,抗压强度达到0.3MPa,其他性能满足《水泥基泡沫保温板》JCT 2200-2013 的要求。在满足上述条件的情况下确定最佳配比,完成对超轻聚合物发泡水泥的配方改进和性能提升。通过对28d龄期的试件进行抗压强度,吸水率,导热系数等性能的测定,本文确定了碳黑及碳纳米管对发泡水泥的性能提升,并完成了大宗固废50%掺量的既定目标,同时发现预处理粉煤灰,炉底渣会显著降低浆体工作性,甚至无法成型。
本文通过对制备成型中浆体工作性能、28d养护试块力学性能和微观性能分析, 得出以下结论:
This article mainly studies the work performance and Matching ratio improvement of ultra-light polymer foamed cement. The contents include the preparation process of ultra-light polymer foamed cement board, the impact of nano-materials (carbon black, carbon nanotubes, nano-silica, etc.) and bulk solid waste (fly ash, bottom slag) on foamed cement, And analyze the subsequent mechanical properties. The article briefly introduces the raw materials, molding process, and factors that affect the performance of foamed cement for ultra-light polymer foamed cement. Based on the current formulation of the research group, aiming at the problems existing in foamed cement boards, this paper proposes the following objectives: In the preparation of foamed cement, the existing formulations are adjusted by adding nanomaterials or changing the amount of solid waste. Formulation, formulating a dry apparent density of less than 160kg/m3, water absorption rate of less than 3%, solid waste content of more than 50%, compressive strength of 0.3MPa, other properties to meet the "cement-based foam insulation board" JCT 2200 -2013 requirements. Under the condition that the above conditions are satisfied, the optimum ratio is determined to complete the formula improvement and performance improvement of the ultra-light polymer foamed cement. This article determined that carbon black and carbon nanotubes can improve the performance of foamed cement. By measuring the compressive strength, water absorption, thermal conductivity, etc. of 28-d age specimens, and successfully forming a test block with 50% solid waste content At the same time, the effect of pre-treated fly ash and bottom slag technology on the formation of foamed cement was discovered.
In this paper, the following conclusions are drawn from the analysis of the workability of the slurry in forming and the mechanical properties and microscopic performance of the 28d curing test block:
1. Nano-materials increase the fluidity and viscosity of the slurry, according to the degree of influence: nano-sio2gt; carbon nanotubesgt; carbon black
2. As the solid waste content increases, the fluidity and viscosity of the slurry increase, which is likely to be linear
3. There is a negative correlation between compressive strength and thermal conductivity, and the direct correlation is affected by pore size and pores.
4. Under the circumstance that the other properties have little effect, the addition of nano-materials can significantly improve the compressive strength.
5. The replacement of early strength agent can achieve the ratio of solid waste content of 50% under the premise that the performance of the test block meets the requirements, and further increase the utilization rate of solid waste.
KER WORDS: Foamed cement, Micro-nano materials, solid waste content, improved performance
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状及现存问题 1
1.2.1国内外研究现状 1
1.2.2现存存在问题 3
1.3发泡水泥的成型机理 4
1.3.1发泡原理 4
1.3.2发泡过程 4
1.4发泡水泥的制备工艺 5
1.5任务内容与要求 6
1.5.1各因素对超轻聚合物改性发泡水泥工作性的影响 6
1.5.2超轻聚合物改性发泡水泥的配合比优化 6
第二章 试验原材料及试验方法 7
2.1原材料 7
2.1.1水泥 7
2.1.2粉煤灰 8
2.1.3硅灰 8
2.1.4减水剂 9
2.1.5纤维 10
2.1.6发泡剂 10
2.1.7稳泡剂 11
2.1.8聚合物 11
2.1.9早强剂 12
2.1.10水 12
2.1.11碳纳米管 12
2.1.12纳米二氧化硅 12
2.1.13炉底渣 12
2.1.14碳黑 12
2.2测试方法 13
2.2.1流动度测试 13
2.2.2粘度测试 13
2.2.3表观密度测定 14
2.2.4抗压强度测试 14
2.2.5吸水率测试 15
2.2.6导热系数测试 15
2.2.7气孔微观结构测试 15
第三章微纳米材料和预处理固废对发泡水泥性能影响的研究 17
3.1微纳米材料对发泡水泥性能的影响 17
3.1.1碳黑对发泡水泥性能的影响 17
3.1.2 纳米氧化硅对发泡水泥性能的影响 19
3.1.3 碳纳米管对发泡水泥性能的影响 20
3.2 粉煤灰掺量对发泡水泥性能的影响 21
3.3预处理粉煤灰与炉底渣对发泡水泥性能的影响 22
3.3.1预处理流程 22
3.3.2活性测试试验 22
3.4小结 24
第四章 机理分析与成型问题分析 25
4.1碳黑对发泡水泥性能影响 25
4.2粉煤灰掺量对浆体流动度,粘度及气泡结构影响 26
4.3成型问题分析 27
4.3.1塌模 27
4.3.2裂纹 28
4.3.3沉降 28
第五章 结论及展望 30
5.1结论 30
5.2 展望 30
20世纪50年代初期,前苏联就颁布实施了一系列相关发泡水泥性能的国家标准;1979年美国的 Yamads等人第一次在油田固井的施工工程中使用了发泡水泥,并取得成功;之后不久,日本在岩土工程的回填中也使用了发泡水泥,起到了不错的效果,随着科研进展,发泡水泥进军地暖保温层。21世纪以来,发泡水泥取得长足的发展,美国某些科研人员成功研制出一种复合的三明治结构的新型发泡水泥。Grigorij Yakovlev等人利用碳纳米管填充波特兰泡沫水泥材料,以提高其机械性能。 兰明章等人【4】研究发现气孔率,孔壁厚度以及气孔大小是影响强度的关键因素。在试验研究发现了气孔率与干密度的数学联系,通过频率分布分析得出气泡均匀性对整体强度的影响。
粉煤灰是从燃煤废渣处理后得到的细灰,在我国,主要是经由电厂发电生产。在水泥浆体中加入粉煤灰可以减少水泥的用量,节约了生产成本,减少固体废弃物污染,达到了废物回收利用的目的。并且粉煤灰具有火山灰活性,在水泥浆体中可以发生火山灰反应,消耗过渡区中水化生长的 Ca(OH)2,且产生火山灰水化凝胶,能够密实整个水泥体系。【17】