摘 要
本工程位于江苏省句容市边城镇边城监狱地籍范围内,采用钢筋混凝土框架结构,属于乙类建筑,工程设计使用年限为 50 年;单体建筑耐久年限等级为二级;结构安全等级为二级。主体结构层数为6层,建筑总长79.15m,总宽24.8m;室内外高差0.45m,层高均为3.6m,结构标高21.6m。
This project is located in border town prison in border town of Yurong city,Jiangsu province. It is a building that is made of reinforced bar and concrete frame structure with the secondary security level, whose structural design life is 50 years. The main structure includes 6 layers, total length of which is 79.15 m and total width is 24.8 m. The indoor and outdoor altitude difference is 0.45m. Every layer is 3.6m high, and the structure elevation of this building is 21.6m.
Calculations include: structural layout, load calculation, calculation of standard floor slab (plate, secondary beam) design, calculation and design a framework, stairs calculation and design, calculation and design of foundation, superstructure and ICC review.
Firstly,PKPM comparison, programme selection and optimization of the structure after the layout is determined, then estimate the cross-sectional dimension member, and then calculate the weight of each member. Calculate the width of the floor checking in dead and live load under internal forces, reinforcement and crack and floor, were each secondary beam reinforcement. Calculation and design of a framework including vertical load and horizontal load internal forces generated by a combination of internal force and select the most unfavorable internal forces progressive beams, reinforcement of the column section. Stairs calculation and design, including bench board, board platform, the platform beams, columns platform. Calculation and design basis for the foundation. Throughout the process of continuous computing power and calculated results check, find errors and correct them. Finally, complete the structural construction drawing according to the manual calculations and computer calculation result.
KEY WORDS:frame structure, reinforced concrete, a combination of internal forces
第一章 工程设计说明 1
第二章 梁柱截面尺寸确定 3
2.1 梁柱尺寸确定 3
2.2 计算简图的确定 3
第三章 板计算 5
3.1 楼面板计算 5
3.2 屋面板计算 6
第四章 次梁计算 8
4.1 次梁正截面受弯承载力计算 8
4.2 次梁斜截面受剪承载力计算 10
第五章 恒荷载计算 13
5.1 屋面框架梁线荷载计算 13
5.2 楼面框架梁线荷载计算 13
5.3 屋面框架节点集中荷载计算 15
5.4 楼面框架节点集中荷载计算 16
第六章 活荷载计算 23
第七章 风荷载计算 25
第八章 D值计算 26
第九章 竖向荷载作用下内力计算 28
9.1 竖向恒载作用下的内力计算 28
9.2 竖向活荷载作用下的内力计算 31
9.3 雪荷载内力计算 32
第十章 恒荷载作用下弯矩分配及内力图 33
第十一章 活荷载作用下弯矩分配及内力图 38
第十二章 风荷载作用下弯矩分配及内力图 44
第十三章 地震作用下荷载计算 48
13.1 分层计算重力荷载代表值: 48
13.2 自振周期计算 50
13.3 横向地震作用 51
13.4 地震作用内力计算及内力图 52
第十四章 内力组合 55
14.1 梁端弯矩调幅 55
14.2 梁柱内力组合表 57
第十五章 梁柱截面配筋计算 70
15.1 梁的配筋计算 70
15.2 柱的配筋计算 74
15.3 最大裂缝宽度验算 77
第十六章 楼梯计算 79
16.1 楼梯设计简图及参数 79
16.2 梯段板计算 80
16.3 休息平台板计算 80
16.4 梯段梁TL1计算 81
第十七章 基础计算 82
17.1 柱荷载设计值 82
17.2 柱独立基础的计算 83
17.3 基础底面配筋计算 84
第十八章 手算与PKPM电算结果比较 85
18.1 结构周期比较 85
参考文献 86
致 谢 87
附录 88
附录A PKPM电算结果 88