摘 要
关键词: 框架结构 钢筋混凝土 结构设计
Frame Structure Design Of The Guizhou education commission comprehensive office building
Student:Qin Zhengyang Number:05114204
Supervision:Ding Youliang Yang Jianping
This building is the comprehensive office building of guizhou municipal education commission. Its structural form is reinforced concrete structure, with seven main floors and six local floors. The total construction area is 6,920 square meters.
The purpose of the design is mainly to do the structure design for the frames of axis B. When the array of the structure is determined, firstly do the roof design. Secondly, I calculate the internal force of the frame under the vertical loads (dead load and live load) and the wind load, also the seismic force. After computing the internal force under all sorts of loads, the combination of internal force can be made by using the Excel software, whose purpose is to find one or several sets of the most adverse internal force of members. Then I make out the cross-section design of beams and columns. Slab stairs is used in this structure. The design of the stairs includes calculating the internal force and reinforcing such components as landing slab, step board and landing girder. In the end, Prestressed concrete pile foundation needs designing, which contains the design of foundation beam, pile and platform on piles. Then, the results is checked by software PKPM, including analyzing the causes of those differences between them. There are 10 construction drawings based on the calculation results in all.
Keywords: Frame Construction, Reinforced concrete, Structure Design
目 录
1.设计资料: 6
1.1 工程概况 6
1.1.1 工程名称:贵州教委综合办公楼 6
1.1.2 地点:贵州贵阳 6
1.2 建筑设计资料 6
1.3 基本数据 6
1.3.1 抗震要求 6
2.尺寸估算: 7
2.1板厚估算: 7
2.2梁截面尺寸估算 7
2.3柱截面尺寸估算 7
3.荷载计算: 8
3.1 恒荷载计算 8
3.1.1屋面荷载 8
3.1.2楼面荷载 8
3.1.3梁自重(包含两侧20mm混合砂浆粉刷) 9
3.1.4柱自重(包含两侧20mm混合砂浆粉刷) 9
.3.1.5墙自重 9
3.2活荷载计算: 11
4.楼盖设计 11
4.1楼面板计算简图 12
4.2弯矩计算 13
4.3配筋计算- 16
4.4.次梁设计 18
4.4.1 CL1计算 18
4.1.2CL-2计算 21
4.1.3CL-3计算 23
4.1.4CL-4计算 24
5.框架内力计算 26
5.1框架计算简图 26
5.1.1框架梁柱截面特征值: 27
5.2竖向荷载计算 28
5.2.1框架恒载计算 28
5.2.2框架活载计算 31
5.3竖向荷载作用下的内力计算 33
5.3.1永久荷载作用下 33
6.梁柱内力组合 81
7.梁柱截面设计 96
8 基础设计 106
9 楼梯设计 111
10.手算与电算的比较 115
致谢 117
参考文献 118
1.1 工程概况
1.1.1 工程名称:贵州教委综合办公楼
1.1.2 地点:贵州贵阳
1.2 建筑设计资料
建筑高度主体七层,局部六层,每层层高3.6米,室内外高差0.9米。总建筑面积为6920平方米。建筑高度为26.2m。室内设计标高 ±0.000,室内外高差0.45m。
1.3 基本数据
1.3.1 抗震要求
1.3.2 荷载条件