摘 要
This article uses the introduction of 300MW steam turbine standard operating conditions and variable conditions data, based on the existing models for thermal economic analysis, and do a comparison of different heating programs, so that the original unit in the energy efficiency, reduce pollution emissions The degree of optimization of the energy supply and convenience is a certain degree of optimization. The main contents are as follows:
1. Using the data of the original unit under different working conditions, verify the extraction pressure, the increase of the internal entropy of the steam turbine and the difference between the upper and lower ends of the heater, and discuss the characteristics of the condenser under different working conditions to discuss the exhaust load. Condenser pressure effects.
2. Based on the cyclic function formula, establish the main condensing cycle and the auxiliary steam cycle for the standard and variable conditions, calculate the thermal power system constant power for the unit, and check the heat balance law and the heat transfer law in the auxiliary steam cycle. Finally, the thermal economy of the unit was analyzed using the heat rate.
3、Extraction steam heating of the unit under different working conditions under standard working conditions, ie extraction of steam at the exhaust of the high pressure cylinder for heating (reheating and cooling section) and extraction steam heating at the deaerator (in hot heat Paragraph), assuming that the return water temperature and the enthalpy value are the same, and the unit's flow rate and status parameters are corrected. Based on the circular function method, the heat consumption rate, coal saving, and standard coal consumption rate are the two The heating transformation method was compared and analyzed, and it was found that the extraction heating in the reheating and cooling section was better than the heating extraction in the reheating section.
KEY WORDS: Cyclic function method; cogeneration; cold section hot section; thermal economy
摘要 III
Abstract IV
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景及意义 1
1.1.1 我国能源现状 1
1.1.2 热电联产及其国内外发展现状 2
第二章 供热机组动力特性分析与研究 3
2.1 引言 3
2.2 汽轮机循环的函数式 4
2.2.1 加热单元的划分原则 4
2.2.2 单元进水系数的通用式 5
2.2.3 热力系统分析 7
2.2.4 单元抽汽系数的通用式 7
2.3 供热机组的动力特性方程 7
2.3.1 供热机组的动力特性系数和特性方程 7
2.3.2 辅助汽水循环的分析计算 9
第三章 热系统的变工况分析 10
3.1 变工况计算的理论基础 10
3.1.1 变工况抽汽压力的计算 10
3.1.2 级组压力与流量的关系 11
3.1.3 弗留格尔公式应用条件 12
3.1.4 汽轮机各级相对内效率的确定 12
3.2 300MW汽轮机热力系统及其基础热平衡校验(多工况基准) 13
3.2.1 抽汽压力、抽汽焓校核 13
3.2.2 抽汽压损率校核 13
3.2.3 上端差校核 14
3.2.4 下端差校核 14
3.2.5 抽汽压力的费吕格尔关系 15
3.2.6 熵增校验 15
3.2.7 汽轮机凝汽器参数校验 17
第四章 多参数供热方案变工况分析 19
4.1 多参数供热抽汽方法简介 19
4.2 热量法计算热电联产中的经济指标 19
4.3 计算结果及分析 20
4.3.1 再热冷段抽汽供热 20
4.3.2 在热热段抽汽供热 21
4.4 总结 21
第五章 总结与展望 21
致 谢 23
参考文献 24