
 2022-06-23 20:01:00


摘 要





Design and Implementation of Health Record Management System Based on SaaS Service Architecture


With the rapid development of computer and Internet technologies, the impact of the Internet on human society has been shown in many aspects, including the medical industry. How to make the medical process simple, how to make the medical resources be used rationally, and how to use the efficiency to make up for the lack of medical staff, the network is the way to find solutions to these problems.

This paper mainly records the design and implementation of a health file management system based on the SaaS service architecture. Firstly, the background of the selected topic and the significance of the implementation are introduced. The importance of the topic is reflected by the emphasis on the health file management system at home and abroad. Unlike previous software that needs to be installed on the user's computer, the web service under the SaaS service architecture deploys the software on the developer's server. The user can directly access and apply for the application through a web browser without having to purchase it as in the past. software.

According to the paper needs of the text to extract the need to achieve the functions and complete the design of the page and database, and then began to write code for development. The actual completion of the web project can meet the needs of users. It is in line with the multi-tenant design of the SaaS service architecture. Users can enjoy an independent software experience after login, can complete the registration and login, enter the health file form, enter the medical record, enter the physical examination form, and employees. Management, follow-up table entry and other functions, can basically meet the daily use of township community clinics, and facilitate doctors' records.

KEY WORDS:SaaS,healthy record,multi-tenancy technology


摘要 III

Abstract IV

第一章 引言 1

1.1 选题背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 论文主要内容 3

1.4 论文组织结构 3

第二章 系统需求分析 4

2.1 用户需求 4

2.2 系统功能需求概述 5

第三章 SaaS多租户的实现 5

3.1 何为SaaS 5

3.2 部分SaaS的优缺点 5

3.3 何为多租户 5

3.4 多租户的一般实现方式 6

3.5 本次课题中多租户的具体实现方式 6

第四章 系统功能设计及具体实现 8

4.1 编码语言及框架选择 8

4.1.1 前端Vue框架 8

4.1.2 后端CodeIgniter框架 8

4.2 系统具体功能设计及实现 8

4.2.1 诊所注册及登录 8

4.2.2 用户管理 10

4.2.3 健康档案录入及修改及审核及异常档案 13

4.2.4 体检表录入 18

4.2.5 病历录入 19

4.2.6 慢性病随访表录入 20

4.2.7 家庭档案创建及迁入成员及异常档案查询 21

4.2.8 村委会 23

4.3 其他部分功能实现或问题解决 24

4.3.1 登录cookie的缓存 24

4.3.2 录入表中一个字段包含多个属性内容的数据库存储实现 24

4.3.3 部分安全性问题解决 25

4.3.4 部分接口效率问题解决 25

4.3.5 权限的实现 25

4.3.6 多数据库相同表结构修改 25

4.3.7 图片的上传 25

第五章 工作总结及展望 26

5.1 工作总结 26

5.2 工作展望 26

致谢 27

参考文献 28





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