摘 要
引言 1
一、民族自治地方立法变通权概述 2
(一) 立法变通权的内涵 2
(二) 立法变通的主体 3
(三) 立法变通范围界定 5
二、民族区域自治地方立法变通的依据 5
(一) 从法理:法律公平正义角度分析 5
(二) 从政治角度分析 6
(三) 现实需求的角度分析 7
三、民族自治地方立法变通的现状和不足 8
(一) 民族自治地方立法变通权的实践情况 8
1、概况 8
2、实施效果 9
(二) 我国变通立法存在的主要问题 9
1、变通条例本身的内容不周全或太狭隘 10
2、民族自治地方立法变通意识不强,所规定的质量较低 10
四、关于立法变通的完善建议 11
(一) 明确立法变通底线,丰富立法变通权的内容 11
(二) 加强法律变通的根本原则 12
(三) 完善自治立法体系,完善批准程序 12
结语 14
参考文献 15
致谢 17
摘 要
China has a long history. In the long-term development process, each nation has formed its own customs, culture, and religion.The legal consciousness and legal habits of the citizens included in these ethnic cultures not only affect the thoughts and behaviors of the ethnic group, but also some habits have evolved into their behavioral norms, given the special circumstances of ethnic autonomous areas and the ease of national laws in autonomous areas. Better implementation, better implementation, and the state empowers local governments to adapt to or adapt to legislation.The legislative adaptation power is a special power in the comprehensive system of legislative power. It has played a significant role in autonomous autonomous regions in exercising autonomy and promoting local social development. Of course, the organs of legislative power in ethnic autonomous areas must accurately understand the scope and scope of the legislative modification powers, clarify their main body, understand their content and principles, and promote the exercise of the legislative power to comply with the constitution, in line with the basic principles of ethnic regional autonomy law and its The actual needs of the local.Although after some long-term efforts, some achievements have been made in the implementation of the legislative power system in ethnic autonomous areas, there is still a big gap between the legislative intentions of legislators and the original legislation. If it is not fully studied and improved, it will certainly hinder the development of regional ethnic autonomy in China. Whether or not the enforcement rights will be implemented will directly affect the effectiveness of the rule of law system in China and the healthy operation of the rule of law. Altering the exercise of legislative power will also directly affect the exercise of legislative power in autonomous regions and improve the quality of legislation. Therefore, no matter in theory or practice, we should vigorously promote the process of legislative adaptation.
Keywords:Ethnic areas; Autonomous area.Legislative adaptation rights;.Alternate permissions; autonomy