
 2022-07-14 14:22:35


摘 要






This thesis uses the method based on the random forest model to locate the facial feature points of 2D images. The idea of ​​the method adopted in this thesis is to randomly take the pixel difference feature within the local range of each feature point to obtain the random forest model corresponding to the feature point. Then each feature point traverses its random forest model to generate highly sparse local binary features. Then using the obtained local binary features to learn the overall linear regression to obtain the final shape increment to update the predicted shape, so as to realize the localization of the facial feature points of the 2D image. At the same time, in order to obtain better feature point positioning effect when face deflection is large and partial occlusion, pictures of the human face biased to the left and right are respectively trained in a random forest model to see the positioning effect, and some improvements are also proposed at the same time.

The error criterion adopted in this thesis is to mark the error between the position of the predicted feature point and the position of the standard feature point with respect to the percentage of double-pupil distance of the human eye. Helen and LFPW face database are mainly trained and tested.

The experimental results show that the method used in this thesis not only achieves better feature point location accuracy for positive face images, but also different environment illumination, face pose changes, facial expression diversity, and foreign object occlusion.

KEY WORDS: Face feature point location, Random forest, Local binary features

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 2

1.1 研究背景及意义 2

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 研究目标及内容 4

1.3.1 研究关键问题 4

1.3.2 研究难点 5

1.4 本文结构 5

第二章 人脸检测 6

2.1 人脸数据库介绍 6

2.1.1 Helen人脸库介绍 6

2.1.2 AFW人脸库介绍 6

2.1.3 LFPW人脸库介绍 8

2.2 人脸检测基本方法 9

2.3 本章小结 12

第三章 人脸特征点定位 13

3.1 人脸特征点介绍 13

3.2 随机森林介绍 13

3.3 随机森林人脸特征点定位算法介绍 14

3.3.1 相关工作介绍 14

3.3.2 本文所用方法概述 15

3.3.3 局部二值特征学习 18

3.3.4 整体线性回归 19

3.4 随机森林人脸特征点定位算法实现 20

3.4.1 软件实现平台介绍与配置 20

3.4.2 主函数介绍 20

3.4.3 随机森林训练实现过程 20

3.4.4 人脸特征点定位测试实现过程 28

3.5 软件测试与改进 29

3.5.1 训练过程测试 29

3.5.2 定位过程测试 29

3.5.3 改进及测试 35

3.6 本章小结 47

第四章 结论与展望 48

4.1 本文总结 48

4.2 后续工作展望 48

致 谢 49

参考文献 50






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