
 2022-07-14 14:22:52


摘 要


首先,预处理分为点云切割和去噪两个方面,前者以Shape Index为主要算法检测鼻尖,并以鼻尖为中心来进行人脸切割,后者以基于统计分布的去噪算法分离离群点。





Since two-dimensional face recognition is easily affected by posture, lighting and other aspects, and is easily camouflaged by two-dimensional photos, the three-dimensional face recognition has great inherent advantages and application prospects. This paper constructs a complete three-dimensional face recognition system by three-dimensional point cloud preprocessing, three-dimensional mapping, and deep learning.

First, the preprocessing is divided into two aspects: point cloud cutting and denoising. The former uses the Shape Index as the main algorithm to detect the nose tip, and the nose tip as the center for face cutting, while the latter uses the statistical distribution to denoise the denoising algorithm. point.

Second, three-dimensional point clouds are usually mapped to two-dimensional space for learning, generating four different training samples. Because of the limited capacity of the sample library, this paper proposes to use four different mapping methods to extend the two-dimensional sample library. The first is to use the gridfit algorithm to fit the surface of the form z(x,y) to the 3D point cloud to generate a depth image; the other two are the vectors that normalize the surface of the original point cloud, ie the azimuth angles of the normal vectors. The elevation angles correspond to the two-dimensional sample maps respectively. The fourth one considers the weighting and normalization of the first three two-dimensional sample maps to synthesize a two-dimensional sample image.

Finally, the whole process of face recognition based on deep learning is realized, and the training and recognition capabilities of the generated samples are compared and analyzed. Finally, the mapping methods and algorithm flow for 3D face recognition are summarized.

KEY WORDS: Face recognition,3D Point Cloud, Point Cloud Mapping, Deep Learning

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 2

1.1 引言 2

1.2 研究背景与目的 2

1.3 研究现状 2

1.3.1 点云去噪 2

1.3.2 点云切割 3

1.3.3 三维人脸识别 3

1.3.4 神经网络 5

1.4 本文主要内容 5

第二章 三维点云 7

2.1 点云介绍 7

2.2 点云切割 7

2.3 点云去噪 9

第三章 卷积神经网络中训练样本的生成 13

3.1 卷积神经网络 13

3.1.1 层级结构 13

3.1.2 局部感知野和权值共享 16

3.1.3 损失函数 17

3.1.4 反向传播 17

3.1.5 VGG网络 18

3.2 本文训练样本的生成 20

3.2.1 深度图 20

3.2.2 基于法向量的深度图 21

3.2.3 加权归一化RGB图 24

3.2.4 Lmdb文件生成 25

第四章 样本训练与结果分析 27

4.1 系统总框架 27

4.2 实验结果与分析 27

4.2.1 深度图训练结果与分析 27

4.2.2 RGB图像训练结果与分析 32

第五章 总结与展望 38

5.1 总结 38

5.2 展望 38

致 谢 39

参考文献 40








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