摘 要
In recent years, the peak-to-valley difference of the power load curve in many provinces and cities in China has increased significantly, which makes the system operational efficiency low, and the peak regulation problem of power grids increasingly apparent. So implementing the demand-side response to improve users' load curve is an effective solution. However, at present, the relevant scholars' exploration of demand response operation mechanism in China is still in its infancy, and it is urgently needed to further supplement and perfect it.
Based on relevant domestic and foreign literatures, this paper mainly studies the benefit assessment of demand response, the auxiliary service contribution rate of demand response, and the method of formulating the subsidy policy. Firstly, a comprehensive evaluation system of demand response benefit is established, and the total demand response benefit is evaluated from three aspects, namely, economic benefits, social benefits and environmental benefits. And the calculation methods for various specific benefits of various market entities are proposed. Secondly, a method to evaluate the auxiliary service contribution rate of demand response by using the users' load characteristics and power consumption curve is proposed, and the load characteristics of the users' commonly used appliances participating in demand response are analyzed. Finally, on the basis of analyzing the game between the power grid and the users on the demand response subsidy, a model of the game between the grid and the users is established. And at last the optimal demand side response subsidy policy for maximizing grid revenue is obtained.
KEY WORDS: demand response, the benefit assessment, the auxiliary service contribution rate of users, the subsidy policy
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 概述 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究水平综述 1
1.2.1 需求侧响应收益评估的研究 1
1.2.2 需求侧响应辅助服务贡献率及用户负荷特性的研究 2
1.2.3 基于博弈论的需求侧响应补贴政策制定方法的研究 2
1.3 研究内容及研究思路 3
第二章 需求侧响应收益评估方法 4
2.1 需求侧响应收益综合评估体系 4
2.2 需求侧响应经济收益 5
2.2.1 电网可免投资成本 5
2.2.2 电网网损降低收益 6
2.2.3 电厂可免发电成本 6
2.2.4 机组启停成本降低 7
2.2.5 电厂可免投资成本 7
2.3 需求侧响应社会收益 8
2.3.1 供电可靠性收益 8
2.4 需求侧响应环境收益 9
2.4.1 清洁能源消纳收益 9
2.4.2 用户节能减排收益 10
2.4.3 负荷整形减排收益 10
2.4.4 降低网损减排收益 10
2.5 本章小结 10
第三章 需求侧响应辅助服务贡献率量化评估方法 12
3.1 需求侧响应辅助服务贡献率评估体系 12
3.2 调峰辅助服务贡献率评估 12
3.2.1 用户的负荷预测方法 12
3.2.2 调峰辅助服务贡献率量化评估方法 13
3.3 典型用户参与需求侧响应的负荷特性 13
3.3.1 参与需求响应的负荷特性新指标 13
3.3.2 居民空调负荷的负荷特性 14
3.3.3 热水器负荷的负荷特性 17
3.3.4 电动汽车的负荷特性 19
3.4 本章小结 20
第四章 需求侧响应补贴政策制定方法 21
4.1 需求侧响应补贴政策现状 21
4.2 电网与用户博弈特点分析 21
4.3 主从博弈简介 22
4.4 电网和用户的收益模型 22
4.4.1 用户收益模型 22
4.4.2 电网收益模型 24
4.5 主从博弈模型及求解方法 25
4.5.1 电网与用户的主从博弈模型 25
4.5.2 博弈模型求解方法 26
4.6 算例分析 27
4.6.1 算例概况 27
4.6.2 结果分析 28
4.6.3 需求侧响应最优补贴政策的制定 32
4.7 本章小结 33
第五章 总结和展望 34
致谢 36
参考文献 37