摘 要
The user-side distributed energy storage (DES) is an energy storage device installed at the distribution side and at the user's site, which can smooth the load, improve the reliability of power supply and power quality. When the total installed capacity of the distribution network reaches a certain level, it can effectively delay the expansion and expansion of the distribution network will increase the operational stability of the distribution network and reduce the peak power consumption of the energy lost due to long-distance transmission. However, technical and manufacturing deficiencies have limited the use of DES, and have also created a situation where distributed energy storage is not effective. For this reason, under the existing conditions, it is particularly important to give full play to the role of the user-side energy storage and maximize the benefits.
This article first introduces the background and research status of distributed energy storage technology, and analyzes the economic benefits of DES. These benefits include reducing peaks and valleys in user power usage, saving electricity bills, reducing user capacity, and improving power supply reliability and power quality. When considering the above factors, establish a model to screen out users who may have benefits from installing energy storage.
Second, establish a mathematical model without considering the electricity price policy and calculating the peak-valley electricity price, and analyze the income.
Finally, by optimizing the energy storage operation by establishing a penalty function and a genetic algorithm, a 24-hour optimal operation curve of distributed energy storage is obtained. At the same time, consider the impact of some factors on the economics of DES, including DES charge and discharge efficiency, energy storage component costs, power quality improvement values, price differences and other factors.
Through analysis, it can be seen that the electricity price policy is the decisive factor in the promotion and application of the current DES. In addition, the cost and process of production will also affect the benefits of distributed energy storage. It is believed that with the gradual deepening of the reform of the electricity market, China's electricity price policy will be more varied in the future, and there will be more room for the development of energy storage on the user side.
KEY WORDS: user side ,distributed energy storage ,electricity price ,power quality ,revenue , optimization
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 用户侧储能技术简介 1
1.2 储能行业的研究现状和应用 1
1.2.1 全球储能的研究现状 1
1.2.2 我国的储能现状和政策 2
1.3 用户侧配备分布式储能(DES)的意义 3
1.4 本文的主要内容和结构 5
第二章 DES系统的用户筛选研究 6
2.1 用户筛选的判据和流程 6
2.2 用户筛选的数据模型 6
2.3 筛选模型的求解策略 7
2.4 本章小结 8
第三章 用户侧储能经济性分析 9
3.1 用户侧储能收益模型 9
3.2 成本模型 10
3.2.1 设备成本 10
3.2.2 运行维护及充电成本 10
3.3 经济性分析 11
3.3.1 评判指标 11
3.3.2 净利润模型 12
3.4 算例分析 12
3.5 本章小结 13
第四章 考虑峰谷电价的DES经济性分析 14
4.1 峰谷电价下DES经济性建模 14
4.1.1 电费收益模型 14
4.1.2 节省配电投资的模型 14
4.1.3 可靠性模型 14
4.2 成本模型 15
4.2.1 设备成本的模型: 15
4.2.2 运行维护及充电成本 15
4.3 算例分析 15
4.4 本章小结 17
第五章 峰谷电价下的DES运行优化 18
5.1 运行优化的目标函数和约束条件 18
5.2 求解策略分析 18
5.2.1 罚函数 18
5.2.2 遗传算法 19
5.3 算例分析 20
5.4 电池储能系统优化 20
5.5 本章小结 21
第六章 结论与展望 22
致 谢 23
参考文献 24
表1-1 储能分类和特征
技术分类 | 优点 | 缺点 | 应用范围 |
液流电池 | 价格低廉,能量转换率高,功率密度大,体积小,便捷 | 技术有待提高,电池容量不够大,使用年限有限 | 储能电站,电动汽车,电力系统的微电网等 |
NaS电池 | |||
Li电池 | |||
铅酸电池 | |||
超导电容 | 使用年限长,转换能量效率高 | 技术层面不足,容量偏小,功率密度低 | 应急电源,城市交通设施等 |
超级电容器 | |||
压缩空气储能 | 使用年限长,功率密度大 | 建造难度大,电能密度和效率低 | 电网削峰填谷,应急电源等 |
飞轮储能 | |||
抽水储能 |
能源储存已经走向全球,世界各国发展程度不一。在美国和澳大利亚,几个国家重点项目的实施和各国能源部门针对储能设定的奖励鼓励政策保证了它们储能领域遥遥领先。以家用储能为例,美国独占鳌头,世界上其他各国难以望其项背,德国和澳大利亚目前发展势头迅猛。在储能领域慢了一拍的中国虽然刚刚起步,然而其发展速度在世界各国位于前列。 在现有市场中,绝大多数的项目还处在试运行阶段,真正有经济效益可以广泛推行的非常少,在未来随着更多技术和政策的投入,这种现状会迅速改变。首先,当下储能领域的具体发展情况如下: