
 2022-07-19 10:06:17


摘 要





In order to cope with the energy and environmental crisis caused by the depletion of fossil energy, new energy technologies such as wind power and photovoltaics are booming. As one of the clean energy sources, electric vehicles will gradually replace traditional fuel vehicles to achieve zero pollution and zero emissions. With the continuous increase in the penetration rate of electric vehicles, on the one hand, large-scale grid-connected electric vehicles will have an impact on the safe and stable operation of the power grid; on the other hand, compared with other distributed energy sources, electric vehicles have mobile energy storage and controllable load. The characteristics will have the potential to provide grids with auxiliary services such as peak-shaving and valley-filling, frequency regulation, and suppression of intermittent energy fluctuations, thereby improving the safe operation of the grid and bringing about certain economic benefits to users. In this process, it is difficult to consider the bidirectional flow of energy information flow and realize intelligent dispatch control. This paper proposes a frequency control strategy for large-scale electric vehicles participating in the system, aggregates dispersedly-connected electric vehicles into several clusters for unified scheduling, and uses Matlab to build a power adjustment model for electric vehicles in response to power grid AGC frequency modulation. Considering the different cluster capacity and response time, based on the distributed cooperative control theory, a discrete-time coherence protocol is designed. The cluster agent nodes only perform iterative interaction through the communication connection relationship, thus completing the overall power adjustment target. The example simulation results show that the proposed strategy can effectively respond to grid frequency fluctuations.

This paper also designs a power-communication co-simulation mechanism based on DIgSILENT and Qualnet simulation software, which realizes the coupling and interaction of power service data and communication service data. The influence of the communication link error on the implementation of the auxiliary frequency control strategy was simulated and analyzed by numerical examples, and the simulation results verified its feasibility.

KEY WORDS: Distributed Control,Supplementary Frequency Regulation,EV Aggregator


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 3

1.1 选题背景及意义 3

1.2 国内外研究现状 4

1.2.1 电动汽车参与调频的优势 4

1.2.2 电动汽车参与电网调频研究 5

1.3 本文的主要工作 6

第二章 电动汽车集群参与调频框架 7

2.1 电力系统频率调整 7

2.1.1 一次调频 7

2.1.2 二次调频 9

2.2 电动汽车响应频率波动的控制模型 10

2.2.1 电池基本模型 10

2.2.2 电动汽车频率调节特性 11

2.2.3 电动汽车集中式控制框架 12

2.2.4 电动汽车集群分层控制框架 13

第三章 基于分布式控制的电动汽车调频策略 15

3.1 分布式控制理论 15

3.1.1 分布式一致性控制 15

3.1.2 分布式牵引一致性控制 15

3.2 一致性协议设计 16

3.2.1 通信连接拓扑 16

3.2.2 离散时间的分布式迭代策略 17

3.3 算例分析 18

3.3.1 仿真场景设置 18

3.3.2 结果分析 20

第四章 考虑通信影响的控制策略算例分析 23

4.1 引言 23

4.2 电力-通信联合仿真平台 23

4.2.1 DIgSILENT电力仿真模型 23

4.2.2 电力-通信业务接口设计 25

4.3 仿真结果与分析 27

4.3.1 Case1:正常通信仿真 27

4.3.2 Case2:通信链路中断 30

4.3.3 Case3:通信节点故障 33

4.4 本章小结 35

第五章 总结与展望 36

致谢 37

参考文献 38




随着经济生活水平的提高,人们对出行的便捷性和舒适型需求在不断提升,这促使汽车的迅速普及,也给制造业、交通运输业等行业带来了巨大的经济效益。但是,随着汽车保有量的不断增加,由其尾气排放带来的巨大污染问题正变得日益严重,时刻影响人们的生存环境。同时,在石油资源越发短缺的情况下,数量巨大的机动车还在低效的消耗这种不可再生能源。传统的内燃机汽车已经给经济社会和环境的协调发展发展带来了不可忽视的负面效应。与此同时,电动汽车(Electric Vehicle,EV)因其清洁环保以及对能源的高效利用正越来越受到人们的重视。美国电力科学研究院的研究显示,充电一次行驶60英里的电动汽车与行驶同里程燃油汽车相比,二氧化碳排放量减少50%,汽油消耗量减少75%。相关数据显示,2017年全球电动汽车销售量超过100万辆,我国的产销量超过了50万。政策层面,新能源汽车被纳入“十三五”国家战略新兴产业,成为汽车行业转型升级的关键。未来 5-10年,电动汽车将迎来井喷式发展。10年后其占汽车市场份额可从目前的1%迅速飙升到40%,预计2022年将实现油电同价。与此同时,美国也已发布“加快电动汽车”计划,目前特斯拉研发的电动车的续航里程已经超过600公里,快速充电模式下30分钟可以充满一半的电量。尽管当前电池技术仍然是限制电动汽车发展的瓶颈,能量密度和充放电时间效率还不能与传统内燃机车相媲美,不过随着全世界研究的加大投入、电池技术逐渐走成熟、商业成本进一步降低,电动汽车将取代内燃机车成为未来清洁低碳出行的主流。


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