摘 要
Automatic Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Histopathology Slide Images Based on Deep Learning
04014011 Zhang Tianyi
Supervised by Associate Professor Zhang Yifeng
In recent years, with the increasing of incidence rate, breast cancer has gradually become one of the common diseases that threatens the physical and mental health of women. In the clinical diagnosis of breast cancer, histopathological diagnosis is an important method for the definite diagnosis of cancer. However, due to the large amount of time required for cultivating a pathologist, the great shortage of doctors has made it unrealizable to meet the large demands in clinical pathology diagnosis. In order to improve the efficiency and automation of histopathological diagnosis, and to provide pathology doctors with impactful information for assisted diagnosis, a method based on deep learning is used in this paper to classify the histopathological slide images. Experiments are implemented on the Camelyon16 competition data set. And a series of optimizations are made for the algorithm architecture. The main work in this paper is summarized as follows:
First, the background and current research status in this field are illustrated. The structure of deep convolutional neural network and the architecture of deep learning model are introduced. Next, an automatic diagnosis algorithm, which includes image preprocessing, deep learning model training and validation, as well as classification decision in postprocess, is proposed for classifying pathological whole slide images. Last, the algorithm is implemented and applied to data set for testing. Then experiments are performed on multi-scale conditions for decision-making, and the method of patch segmentation and loss function are improved. The classification accuracy of improved algorithm reaches 95.38%, close to pathologists.
KEY WORDS: histopathological diagnosis, breast cancer, deep learning, convolutional neural network
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 论文主要内容与组织结构 3
1.3.1 论文主要内容与研究路线 3
1.3.2 论文组织结构 4
第二章 卷积神经网络与深度学习架构 5
2.1 卷积神经网络的基本结构 5
2.1.1 卷积层 5
2.1.2 池化层 6
2.1.3 全连接层 7
2.1.4 输出层 7
2.2 损失函数与反向传播 7
2.3 深度学习架构Inception 8
第三章 乳腺组织学病理切片自动诊断算法流程 11
3.1 图像预处理 11
3.1.1 数据集 11
3.1.2 颜色模型转换 12
3.1.3 前背景分离 14
3.1.4 区块分割、数据集的扩充与封装 16
3.2 深度学习模型训练与验证 17
3.2.1 迁移学习与模型训练过程 17
3.2.2 模型验证过程 18
3.3 后处理决策过程 19
3.3.1 概率热图的特征提取 19
3.3.2 随机森林算法与分类器 20
第四章 算法评价与优化 22
4.1 原始实验结果与算法评价 22
4.1.1 分类算法性能度量 22
4.1.2 原始实验结果与算法评价 23
4.2 多尺度分类算法 24
4.3 算法细节优化实验 26
4.3.1 区块分割优化 26
4.3.2 辅助损失函数优化 26
4.3.3 分类器对比实验 27
4.4 优化算法实验结果 29
第五章 研究总结与展望 31
5.1 研究总结 31
5.2 展望 31
致 谢 32
参考文献 33
附录A 带有辅助分类器的Inception-v3深度学习模型结构图 35