
 2022-08-12 09:39:43


摘 要



21713106 郑浙秀

指导教师 杨若冲






Research on Development Status and Application of Asphalt Pavement Recycling Technology

21713106 Zheng Zhexiu

Supervised by Yang Ruochong


China's highway has constructed quickly and reached a a certain scale, with the increase of the service life and the increase of the car load, the road disease of early constructed highway has gradually emerged. The general method of renovation would product a large number of waste asphalt and should be treated properly. In this way, the environmental pollution and asphalt waste could be decreased. Therefore, asphalt pavement regeneration technology development and application is imminent and will be beneficial in the future.

This paper summarizes the development status and application of asphalt pavement regeneration technology both at home and abroad. On the basis of this, the paper summarizes the technical requirements and equipment requirements of 4 kinds of asphalt pavement regeneration technology. This paper mainly focuses on 《the DWSJ-2 contract section of the Daxingshan-Urumqi section of the Xinjiang New Expressway (G7) in Xinjiang》. The paper mainly introduces the practical application of the asphalt pavement regeneration technology to the construction technology, the concrete operation steps and the benefit analysis of different methods of asphalt pavement regeneration. The paper will also summarize the economic and social benefits when we make more use of these kind of technology.

Asphalt pavement regeneration technology development situation, we can see that the application of asphalt pavement regeneration technology to adapt to the times and socio-economic aspects of development, will increasingly be applied to highway construction. And will continue to increase in the level of application, as a resource conservation resources to save resources an important way.

Key words:Road regeneration; Asphalt recycling; Economic benefits; Regeneration technology

目 录



第一章 绪论

1.1 研究意义

1.2 国内外研究现状

1.2.1 国内研究现状

1.2.2 国外研究现状

1.3 研究内容

第二章 沥青老化及再生机理

2.1 沥青的组分及性质

2.1.1 沥青的组分

2.1.2 沥青的性质

2.2 沥青老化及再生机理

2.2.1 沥青组分变化理论

2.2.2 沥青相容性理论

2.2.3 沥青橡胶理论

2.3 再生剂作用、性能及技术指标

2.3.1 再生剂分类

2.3.2 再生剂性能

第三章 沥青路面再生技术

3.1 热再生技术

3.1.1 厂拌热再生技术及级配设计

3.1.2 就地热再生技术及热沥青用量

3.2 冷再生技术

3.2.1 厂拌冷再生技术及其结构设计

3.2.2 就地冷再生技术及其施工技术

3.3 再生技术优缺点比较

第四章 沥青路面再生技术的工程应用

4.1 项目介绍

4.1.1 项目设计标准及交通量预测

4.1.2 项目建设方案概况

4.2 路面检测方式及病害

4.2.1 路面检测、评价方法

4.2.2 路基及排水存在的主要问题

4.2.3 路面病害原因分析

4.3 再生设计方案

4.3.1 再生技术在本项目的适应性分析

4.3.2 路面再生利用方案

第五章 结论与展望







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