摘 要
1. 在阅读大量文献的基础上,本研究综述了国内外汽车质保理论研究的历史发展及其现状,并在客户化定制的柔性质保研究方面提出自己的模型;
2. 对客户化定制进行建模,主要依据客户的使用率将客户分为三个层次,并求出每个层次客户的概率分布函数;
3. 基于产品使用寿命和使用量,使用边际法对产品故障进行建模,得到与产品使用率相关的产品故障过程强度函数;
4. 基于产品虚拟年龄和实际年龄,对预防性维修过程进行建模,得到年龄递减因子函数,再通过递归得到产品虚拟年龄函数;
5. 质保成本建模,考虑预防性维修级数和最小维修成本,得到基本质保阶段和客户化定制的延长质保阶段的成本函数。本研究对比了无差别质保和客户化定制质保的成本差异,为制造商制作质保策略提出了更为合理的建议。
Nowadays, economic globalization brings fierce market competition, which gives severe challenges to the modern automobile manufacturing industry. Manufacturers cannot rely on the product to occupy the market. The quality of the product and the after-sales service of the product are also very important. The most effective way for manufacturers to increase their market share is to provide good and perfect product warranty services. In this paper, the problem of automobile warranty is studied. On the basis of the concept and theory of automobile warranty, the qualitative and quantitative analysis method is adopted to discuss the flexible warranty policy of automobile customization. The main work of this article is as follows:
1. On the basis of reading a lot of literature, the historical development and present situation of the research on the theory of automobile warranty all over the world is summarized in this paper. A model of flexible warranty of customization is proposed in this study;
2. The modeling of customization is divided into three levels according to the usage rate of products, and the probability distribution function of customers at each level is obtained;
3. The marginal method is used to model the product failure, and the product failure process strength function related to the product utilization rate is obtained;
4. Based on the virtual age and actual age of the product, the preventive maintenance process is modeled, the age decreasing factor function is obtained, and the virtual age function of the product is obtained by recursion;
5. The cost between unified warranty and customized warranty is compared in this study. Much more reasonable suggestions for manufacturers to make warranty policy are put forward.
A solid foundation for the further research is made in this study.
KEY WORDS: customization, basic warranty, extended warranty, preventive maintenance, two-dimensional warranty
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究现状综述 2
1.2.1 质保研究现状 2
1.2.2 汽车质保研究现状 6
1.3 本文的研究项目与论文结构 8
第二章 基本质保阶段质保成本研究 10
2.1 引言 10
2.2 数学建模 10
2.2.1 客户化定制建模 11
2.2.2 产品故障建模 12
2.2.3 预防性维修建模 13
2.2.4 基本质保阶段成本建模 14
2.3 模型优化 15
2.4 案例研究 15
2.5 本章小结 16
第三章 基于客户化定制的总质保成本研究 17
3.1 引言 17
3.2 数学建模 17
3.2.1 无差别预防性维修建模 20
3.2.2 客户定制化预防性维修建模 22
3.3 案例研究 23
3.4 本章小结 24
第四章 模型分析 25
4.1 引言 25
4.2 结果对比 25
4.2.1 延长质保政策一 27
4.2.2 延长质保政策二 29
4.2.3 延长质保政策三 31
4.3 数据分析 33
4.3.1 质保成本对比 33
4.3.2 质保参数比较 35
4.3.3 模型验证 35
4.4 本章小结 37
第五章 总结与展望 38
致 谢 40
参考文献 41
事实上,质保策略已经广泛地应用于多种商业交易中,质保研究受到多学科研究者的青睐。为获得更多的市场份额和提升顾客满意度,制造商们采取各种手段,其中质保政策是对顾客最为有吸引力的内容之一。根据“质保周刊(Warranty Week)”提供的数字:美国Dell公司30%的净收入、Apple公司43%的净收入来自延长质保的销售收入。