
 2021-12-23 20:22:45


摘 要




Assessment of isolation effect of bentonite cutoff wall in a landfill based on the piezocone penetration testing


With the rapid development of economy and the advance of urbanization, the soil pollution problem comes out increasingly. Landfill is the yard in sanitary landfill method of garbage, waste sanitary landfill site because the cost is low, the level of health in domestic is widely used. Landfill generally adopts stratified soil way to deal with rubbish, piling up a layer of garbage after covering a layer of loses, so it is easy to reduce the pollution of garbage, but if not managed, it is easier to make the surrounding soil and underground environment is polluted. So the construction of landfill including site selection, design and construction, the landfill waste entry conditions, running late, sealing field, maintenance and management and pollution control and monitoring program.

This paper first gives hydraulic barrier performance of the bentonite and soil-bentonite cutoff wall; landfill sites domestic and overseas are introduced in the second simple processing method and the research status of the end of the 20th century up to now. Moreover in summarized on the basis of related literature and work, summarizes the influence factors of permeability coefficient and consolidation coefficient of bentonite, basic treatment of landfill leachate and the influencing factors of hydraulic barrier performance of bentonite cutoff wall, and introduces CPTU technology test equipment and test principle and method. Finally through specific engineering examples to illustrate the use of CPTU technology- pore pressure and cone penetration CPTU test evaluation of hydraulic barrier performance of bentonite cutoff wall on Jingjiang landfill, through the in-situ tests of the proceeds of the basic soil mechanics parameters for further use of site reliable environmental evaluation basis and engineering design parameters. Finally concluded CPTU technology was applied to evaluate landfill sites and other environmental geotechnical engineering is still in its preliminary stage in our country, through draw lessons from foreign experience and constantly improve and perfect the theory of data analysis, will be more accurate and efficient landfill barrier effect and engineering assessment, and use CPTU multi-parameter, versatility and get more accurate and more reliable test data, has broad application prospects.

Key words: Bentonite cutoff wall, CPTU, coefficient of consolidation, Hydraulic conductivity, Landfill


摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 2

1.1研究背景及意义 2

1.2垃圾填埋场及其渗滤液处理 3

1.3膨润土隔离墙的隔水性能及渗透特性 4

1.4现代多功能CPTU技术 4

1.5本文内容及研究技术路线 5

第二章 膨润土墙在垃圾填埋场方面应用的研究现状 7

2.1膨润土特性 7

2.2膨润土固结、压缩及渗透性能 7

2.3垃圾填埋场土—膨润土隔离墙的防渗性能、 8

第三章 现代多功能CPTU技术 12

3.1多功能CPTU概述 12

3.2CPTU测试设备介绍及操作方法 12

3.3CPTU试验原理 13

第四章 工程实例—靖江市垃圾填埋场 18

4.1场地地质概况 18

4.2CPTU试验目的及工作量 18

4.3CPTU试验成果解译分析 19

第五章 结论 31

致谢 32

参考文献 33

第一章 绪论



环境保护部于2008年颁布了《生活垃圾填埋场污染物控制标准》( GB 16889-2008),对垃圾填埋场建设的污染标准进行了详细的规范。该标准在修订过程中,对生活垃圾填埋场从场址的选择、建设、运行与封场后的全过程中的污染控制提出了更加严格的要求。标准补充了生活垃圾填埋场选址、基本设施的设计与施工要求,增加了可以进入生活垃圾填埋场共处置的一般工业固体废物、生活污水处理污泥等入场要求,并提出了经过一定处理、符合标准要求的生活垃圾焚烧飞灰等废物可以进入生活垃圾填埋场,对促进我国的生活垃圾焚烧设施建设也将有很大的促进作用。


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