
 2022-08-30 09:47:57


摘 要




就全世界而言,Google Earth为所有用户提供了丰富的地图资源,但是由于国内的大环境、复杂的国情,使得利用谷歌地球的地图信息实在困难,不利于信息的获取和后期应用。因此,此次实验采用了国内相对权威的百度地图作为开发的基础。相比与谷歌地球,百度地图也免费为用户提供了百度地图API,这便于使用者开发,百度的强大也令其地图更新十分及时。因此,调用百度地图API,用它所提供的函数获取数据,实现数据的利用是一种较为妥善的选择。


关键词: 百度地图API;提取百度地图经纬度;建立地铁网络图


With the great support of the government, the process of urbanization gradually started in various regions,in some areas,it is changing day by day. At the same time, urban road construction to speed up, but also requires the map of the road to update more timely and accurate.

For some enterprises and companies associated with urban roads, it is more difficult to get real-time updates on the road without rich resources. Therefore,it makes the above-mentioned company or individual have the idea of making map information, making incremental updates on the original map with other superior platforms.

For the whole world, Google Earth for all users with a wealth of map resources, but because of the domestic environment, complex national conditions, resulting in the use of Google Earth resources is very inconvenient, is not conducive to information access and post-application. Therefore, the experiment uses the relative authority of the Baidu map as the basis for the development. Compared with Google Earth, Baidu map also provides users with free Baidu map API, which is easy for users to develop, Baidu's powerful also make its map update is very timely. Therefore, the use of Baidu map API to obtain data, to achieve the use of data is a more appropriate choice.

The experiment first use the Baidu map API, access to the Nanjing city map,then through the mouse click, Get a series of latitude and longitude of feature points of road, which is included in the Baidu map, but not in the original map, and this series of feature points latitude and longitude written in the local file,And then use ArcGIS to generate a line according to those latitude and longitude of the feature points, which is the road of the original map need to add. Finally, the layers is loaded in ArcGIS, and the original map and the road are stacked to achieve incremental updates on the original map. In addition, with the recent expansion of data applications, this experiment also studied the local data stored in the database, connect JavaScript to MySQL via scripting language, and database management technology, these technologies for data applications to build a smooth channel,for the data application provides a convenient.

Key words:Baidu map API; Latitude and longitude; Data; Incremental update; Road


基于网络资源的城市交通网络建立 I

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外发展现状 1

1.2.1 已有成果 1

1.2.2 发展现状 2

1.2.3 发展趋势 3

1.3 组织安排 4

第二章 总体设计 5

2.1 相关技术介绍 5

2.2 技术路线 11

第三章 网络数据提取 12

3.1 数据提取准备 12

3.1.1 百度API密钥申请 12

3.1.2 Web Browser控件 12

3.2 提取坐标 13

3.2.1 百度地图API 13

3.2.2 数据保存 15

3.3 Access配置ODBC 16

3.4 重点函数 18

3.4.1 Web Browser 18

3.4.2 百度API函数 18

3.4.3 创建FileSystemObject文件 19

第四章 交通网络建立 22

4.1 数据存入MySQL 22

4.2 数据处理 25

4.3 地铁网络图 28

第五章 方法分析与评价 30

5.1 线精度验证 30

5.2 三种坐标对比 31

5.3 方法评价 33

第六章 展望与总结 34

致 谢 35

参考文献 36



城市交通网络的迅速发展带来了诸多问题,地理信息系统(Geographic Information System或 Geo-Information System,GIS)逐步应用到交通领域,并在交通网络管理方面做出了难以言表的贡献。GIS的社会化和大众化需要实现地理数据共享、网络化和互操作,最大限度减小地理数据采集的成本,缩短数据的加工时间,提高数据的现势性和准确性就尤为重要[2]



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