
 2022-09-03 10:09


摘 要



关键词:一带一路 价值链构建 污染转移


From the beginning of the new period, the global value chain and economic globalization, the combination of China's position in the global value chain has changed - from the previous to undertake the transfer of low-end developed countries, and now to China as the core The international value chain gradually formed. There is no doubt that the new era of " the Belt and Road " strategy put forward, is undoubtedly China's initiative to promote their own global value chain to create the biggest opportunity. And China is actively promoting the " the Belt and Road" development, the construction of the country as the leading value chain at the same time, whether the " the Belt and Road”country to bring pollution transfer it? The problem has now become a common concern among many countries, including China, which shows that it is necessary to study the problem and to provide theoretical reference for the government to formulate economic policies.

This paper first introduces the evolution of the division of labor and cooperation under the construction of China's transnational value chain, discusses the pattern of global value chain and the evolution of China's position in the value chain. Then, based on the indicators of carbon emission as the measure of pollution effect, the carbon emission data and trade data of representative countries in 65 countries in the " the Belt and Road " are analyzed and discussed. The paper discusses the construction of transnational value chain The mechanism of pollution transfer. The study found that for the developing countries accounted for the majority of East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia and the export of crude oil, industrial exports of industrial products in West Asia countries, " the Belt and Road " under the trade will bring them a certain degree of pollution effects; For the majority of the CIS countries in the developed countries, in the Central and Eastern Europe, " the Belt and Road " under the trade will not bring them pollution transfer, which may be due to their own manufacturing industry, the service industry developed, economically developed , In the value chain of the more high-end position, so they are not affected by the transfer of pollution caused by the impact of pollution transfer effect.

KEY WORDS: the Belt and Road、Value chain construction、Pollution transfer

目 录

摘 要 IV

Abstract V

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景和意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 研究内容与方法 2

1.2.1 研究内容 2

1.2.2 研究方法 2

1.2.3研究创新 2

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1全球价值链的研究 4

2.1.1 全球价值链的内涵 4

2.1.2 全球价值链的主要研究内容 4

2.2污染转移问题的研究 4

2.2.1 污染转移的内涵 4

2.2.2 污染转移的政策门槛效应 5

2.2.3、污染转移中的环境库兹涅茨曲线 5

第三章 中国全球价值链地位演变以及自主价值链的构建 6

3.1中国全球价值链地位历史沿革 6

3.1.1 全球价值链格局 6

3.1.2 中国在全球价值链中地位的演变 6

(1)1995年之前 位于全球价值链的低端 6

(2)1995-2005 价值链由低端向中端攀升 6

(3) 2005-2010 价值链中端向高端跃升 7

(4)2010至今 中国开始进行自主价值链的构建 7

3.2 “一带一路”下价值链模式 7

3.2.1“一带一路”内涵简介 7

3.2.2“一带一路”的经济意义 8

3.2.3“一带一路”的价值链模式 8

3.3中国与“一带一路”国家价值链的分析 9

3.3.1六大区域代表国家进出口贸易分析 9

第四章 中国对“一带一路”国家贸易及污染状况分析 15

4.1代表性国家选取 15

4.2中国对“一带一路”代表性国家贸易与碳排放关系图表分析 15

4.2.1东亚地区代表性国家进出口贸易与碳排放 15

4.2.2南亚地区代表性国家进出口贸易与碳排放 16

4.2.3中亚地区代表性国家进出口贸易与碳排放 16

4.2.4西亚地区代表性国家进出口贸易与碳排放 17

4.2.5独联体地区代表性国家进出口贸易与碳排放 17

4.2.6中东欧地区代表性国家进出口贸易与碳排放 18

第五章 中国跨国价值链构建下污染转移实证研究 19

5.1变量选取与数据来源说明 19

5.1.1变量的选取 19

5.1.2数据来源说明 19

5.2数据相关性分析 20

5.3数据回归分析 21

5.3.1中国回归拟合结果及分析 21

5.3.2东亚代表国家 菲律宾回归拟合结果及分析 22

5.3.3南亚代表国家 印度回归拟合结果 23

5.3.4中亚代表国家 哈萨克斯坦回归拟合结果 24

5.3.5独联体代表国家 乌克兰回归拟合结果 25

5.3.6西亚代表国家 阿拉伯联合酋长国回归拟合结果 26

5.3.7匈牙利回归拟合结果 27

5.4七个国家回归结果对比 27

第六章 结论与建议 29

6.1研究结论 29

6.2政策建议 29

参考文献(References) 31

致 谢 32

第1章 绪论


1.1.1 研究背景



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