
 2022-09-05 15:18:54


摘 要



21013204 钟雨果

指导老师 杨军

摘 要







Investigation on the Properties of Modified Asphalt and Asphalt Mixture with Carbon Nanotubes

21013204 Zhong Yuguo

Supervised by Yang Jun


With the propagation of private vehicles and the development of industry, the amount of domestic road transportation has increased constantly in recent years. The load that the road bears also becomes larger. As a result, the structure and strength of the road should be adjusted and improved. The repeated load of vehicles and high temperature will cause the permanent deformation resulting in rutting. This research aims to improve the temperature sensibility of asphalt material by introducing carbon nanotubes (CNTs), so that the rutting can be avoided.

Firstly, three kinds of CNTs are used including GT-300/GT-350/GT-400 to prepare modified asphalt. In order to investigate the influence of different CNTs, each kind of CNTs is added to asphalt with percentage of 0.5%/1.5%/2.5%. In order to make sure that the CNTs distribute evenly in asphalt and do not aggregate, high speed shearing method is employed to make modified asphalt. According to previous research results, when the temperature of oil tank is set as 150℃, the rotation speed is set as 5000 rpm and the shearing process lasts 30min, the shearing effect will be optimal.

When the modified asphalt is prepared, the three indexes and viscosity of base asphalt and modified asphalt are measured. Dispersion effect of CNTs in asphalt is analyzed through separation test. After the analysis of test data and plotting of indexes, the optimal dosage (1.5%) is determined and GT-400 is most ideal kind of CNTs.

Thirdly, wheel tracking test and dynamic modulus test are conducted to investigate the influence of CNTs on the temperature sensibility of asphalt mixture with optimal content of CNTs. It is found that the resistance to permanent deformation of CNTs modified asphalt mixture is improved, but the resistance to cracking in low temperature does not change dramatically.

Finally, Raman spectroscopic test is employed to evaluate the physical properties. It is demonstrated that CNTs and asphalt have good compatibility. There is no chemical reaction between CNTs and asphalt molecules and CNTs just play the role of filler.

In summary, the CNTs modified asphalt mixture designed by this paper can improve the resistance to permanent deformation and decrease the frequency of rutting. This paper provide the reference and theory basis for future design and application of CNTs modified asphalt

Key words: carbon nanotube; modified asphalt; high temperature properties; low temperature properties; Raman spectroscopy

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景与研究意义 1

1.2 碳纳米管改性技术研究概述 2

1.2.1 碳纳米管介绍 2

1.2.2 碳纳米管改性沥青的进展研究 2

1.3 研究内容及研究方案 3

1.3.1 主要问题 3

1.3.2 研究内容 4

第二章 实验材料和实验方案 5

2.1 原材料 5

2.1.1 沥青 5

2.1.2 碳纳米管 5

2.2 实验方案 6

2.3 性能指标 7

2.3.1 针入度 7

2.3.2 软化点 7

2.3.3延度 7

2.3.4 粘度 7

2.4 改性沥青制备工艺及原理 8

2.5 本章小结 8

第三章 碳纳米管最佳掺量和种类的确定 9

3.1 试验方案及分组 9

3.2试验数据分析 9

3.2.1 针入度试验分析 9

3.2.2 软化点试验分析 10

3.2.3 延度试验分析 11

3.2.4 粘度试验分析 12

3.2.5 离析试验分析 14

3.3最佳掺量和种类确定 16

3.4 本章小结 16

第四章 碳纳米管改性沥青混合料性能研究 18

4.1 沥青混合料级配设计 18

4.2 混合料的车辙试验 18

4.3 动态力学特性分析 19

4.3.1 试验样品成型 20

4.3.2 试验参数 20

4.3.3 试验结果 20

4.3.4 车辙性能指标|E*|/sin研究 21

4.3.5 动态模量主曲线的建立与应用 22

4.4本章小结 23

第五章 碳纳米管改性沥青微观机理研究 25

5.1 拉曼光谱试验工作原理 25

5.2 碳纳米管的拉曼光谱特征分析 26

5.2.1 样品准备 26

5.2.2 碳纳米管与碳纳米管改性沥青拉曼光谱图像分析 27

5.2.3 碳纳米管改性沥青拉曼光谱数值分析 32

5.3 本章小结 34

第六章 结论与展望 35

6.1 结论 35

6.2 展望 35

参考文献 36

致 谢 37

  1. 绪论


良好的道路交通网是反映国家经济水平和社会稳步发展的重要标志。近年来,我国高速公路总里程稳步快速增长。2016年最新统计数据显示,我国公路基础设施建设继续呈现出良好的增长势头,截止2016年底,全国新增公路里程 11.9万公里,公路总里程已超过了469万公里。我国高速公路总里程已超过13万公里,位于全球第一。随着经济的飞速发展,道路服务水平也应有相应提高,道路不仅仅要承担车辆荷载,更要让人们感觉到行车的安全性、舒适性。这就要求路面具有良好的抗滑能力或抗变形能力。最近二十年中,中国道路迅速发展,沥青路面具有噪声小、油耗低、行车舒适度高、施工维护简单等其他路面形式不具备的优点,因而被广泛应用于我国的各类型、各级别道路中,但由于材料组成设计,施工工艺水平,交通荷载等因素,沥青路面常常暴露出许多问题,例如水损害、剥落等[1]。其中,永久变形是沥青路面最常见的结构性病害之一。由于沥青的温度敏感性较高,脆点与软化点的温度间距较小,再加上混合料的流动性过大造成沥青混凝土不稳定,从而导致了永久变形,所以沥青路面平整度的保持性较差。

永久变形累积到一定程度后形成车辙,车辙会破坏路面的平整度,遇上阴雨天气会形成积水,对车辆的正常行驶造成影响,并会使路面强度降低,如果一直得不到修复,进而也会使得其他的一些病害也相继出现。高温和重交通会加剧这一现象。而中国交通现状为车流量大、荷载重,因此对路面结构和质量提出了更高的要求。路面预防性养护也越来越多的为道路工作者所采用,它能够有效延长道路寿命,解决道路早期损坏的问题。根据美国国家运输协会AASHTO(American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials),预防性养护被定义为:在不提高道路能够承受的极限荷载的基础上,对整体状况良好的路面,有目的的实施具有付出和收益效应的方法,以期实现路面养护、增长道路寿命的目标。


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