
 2022-09-11 20:54:41


摘 要






In recent years, with the implementation of the two-child policy, whether the birth of the second child has become a problem faced by many child-bearing families. Because the two-child policy has just been implemented soon, a variety of supporting policies are not yet complete and the concept of birth has not yet completely reversed. So in many places there is not the expected baby boom. The existing research about fertility decision still doesn’t reach an agreement in many influencing factors, so it’s also difficult for the government to identify the real factor, which influences the implementation of the fertility desire. To this end, this study is designed to study the mechanism of fertility of the second child decision from the perspective of family gender division.

This study takes the urban dual-earner family as the research object, and makes an in-depth interview. The study focuses on the characteristic of the urban dual-earner family’s gender division from structural resources, time availability, living arrangement, gender role attitude and division of housework.

Finally, the study found: (1) structural resources, time availability and living arrangements all have a certain impact on the family gender division. In turn, family gender division affects fertility of the second child decision. (2) The matching degree of family gender division plays a limited role in the fertility decision, and the division of housework has a more direct effect on the decision. (3) The intervention of the elderly makes the original unequal division of housework to be equal. Finally it promotes the decision.

KEY WORDS: fertility of the second child decision, gender role attitude, division of housework

目 录

摘 要 1

Abstract 2

第一章 绪论 5

1.1问题的提出 5

1.2 研究内容和研究意义 6

1.3论文的结构安排 6

第二章 文献综述 8

2.1有关生育决策行为的研究 8

2.2家庭事务决策中家庭性别分工的研究 10

2.3小结 12

第三章 研究框架与调查方法 13

3.1研究框架 13

3.2调查方法 15

3.3调查对象 15

第四章 影响家庭性别分工的因素分析 16

4.1结构性资源 16

4.1.1家庭总体经济水平弱化受教育程度对于女性家庭性别角色意识的影响 17

4.1.2 夫妻收入水平差距影响男性家务分担量 19

4.2时间可及性 20

4.2.1 工作时间与地点限制家务劳动劳动时间 21

4.2.2 工作晋升空间影响女性家庭性别角色意识 22

4.3居住安排 23

4.3.1不同居住安排影响家务承担量 24

第五章 家庭性别分工模式影响二胎决策 26

5.1匹配的家庭性别分工模式促进二胎决策 26

5.2现代的家庭性别角色意识与传统的家务分担的不匹配阻碍二胎决策 28

5.3家务劳动分工对二胎决策的直接作用 29

5.3.1平等的两性家庭劳务分工促进二胎决策 31

5.3.2老人的介入填补男性在家务劳动上的缺失 32

第六章 结论及建议 33

6.1研究的主要结论 33

6.1.1 家庭性别分工的影响因素 33

6.1.2家庭性别分工模式影响二胎决策 34

6.1.3 结构性资源、时间可及性、居住安排的间接作用 34

6.2学术价值与实践性建议 34

6.3研究不足 35

参考文献 36

致 谢 39


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