
 2022-09-19 09:44:18


摘 要

工作应激为一种典型的慢性应激。工作应激激活下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴(HPA轴), HPA轴的产物皮质醇是应激的重要生物标记。皮质醇的代谢物可的松、脱氢雄表酮、睾酮和孕酮也和工作应激密切相关。但是,工作应激和神经内分泌的关系十分复杂,其中可能存在工作应激暴露强度效应和暴露时间效应,即工作应激强度、暴露时间会影响神经内分泌系统的活性。



  1. 高应激强度科室护士皮质醇水平显著高于低应激强度科室护士。
  2. 应激暴露时间与神经内分泌激素之间的关联不明显,可能是受到不同工作年限个体生活中其他应激源的干扰。

关键词:工作应激; 神经内分泌; 应激强度; 应激暴露时间


Work stress is a chronic stress related to work. Work stress activates hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA). Cortiosl as an end product of HPA axis is an important biomarker of stress. Its metabolites, cortisone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), testosterone and progesterone are also closely associated with work stress. However, the association between work stress and neuroendocrinolgy is complicated. Perhaps there are stress’s intensity effect and exposure time effect in that stress intensity and stress exposure time may influence the activity of neuroendocrine system.

Hair matrix can record a cumulative effect in a long time. Nurse is a typical population for work stress. Using hair cortisol, cortisone, DHEA, testosterone and progesterone as biomarkers, the present study aimed to explore the impact of stress intensity and stress exposure time on neuroendocrine activity among nurses.

The main results are expressed as follow:

There was significance in the intensity of work stress among different working units. There was the highest stress intensity in Emergency intensive care unit and Neonatal intensive care unit (High stress group) and the lowest stress intensity in Radiotherapy department and Medical psychological department (Low stress group).

  1. Hair cortisol in high stress group is significantly higher than that in low stress group even if covariates, age, education degree and income, were controlled.
  2. The relationship between stress exposure time and neuroendocine hormones is not clear due to potential effect of other stressors among individuals with different working tenure.

Key words: work stress; neuroendocrinology; stress intensity; stress exposure time


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 - 1 -

1引言 1

1.1工作应激概述 1

1.2工作应激的理论 1

1.2.1工作应激的心理学理论 1

1.2.2工作应激的神经内分泌理论 1

1.2.3 稳态负荷模型 3

1.3工作应激的测量方法 3

1.3.1工作应激的心理测量 3

1.3.2工作应激的生理测量 4

1.4 工作应激的神经内分泌的研究现状 7

1.4.1工作应激和类固醇类激素 7

1.4.2 工作应激的暴露时间效应 7

1.5立题依据和研究内容 9

1.5.1 立题依据 9

1.5.2 研究内容 9

2 方法 11

2.1 研究设计 11

2.2 研究对象 11

2.3 数据收集 11

2.4 量表工具 11

2.4.1自制护士基本信息问卷 12

2.4.2中国护士应激源量表 12

2.5 头发中神经内分泌激素的检测方法 12

2.5.1样品处理 13

2.5.2色谱条件 13

2.5.3质谱条件 13

2.6 数据处理方法 14

2.7 统计分析方法 14

3 结果 15

3.1 参与者的人口统计学信息 15

3.1.1护士基本人口统计学信息和分类分布特征 15

3.1.2护士人口统计学变量与应激 16

3.2 工作科室与工作应激的联系 17

3.2.1护士的科室分布及其应激状况 17

3.2.2不同科室护士的工作应激差异 18

3.2.3探索高/低应激强度的重点应激科室 19

3.3 工作应激神经内分泌标记的描述统计、相关分析与正态性检验 19

3.3.1各项生物标记的描述统计和相关分析 19

3.3.2神经内分泌标记数据的正态性检验 20

3.4 工作科室(应激强度)与神经内分泌的关系 20

3.4.1两类工作科室护士神经内分泌指标的差异 21

3.4.2控制变量后的工作应激强度与神经内分泌的关系 21

3.5 工作年限与神经内分泌的关系 22

3.5.1工作年限分组的尝试 22

3.5.2不同工作年限组间神经内分泌水平的差异 23

3.5.3控制其他变量后工作年限对神经内分泌的影响 23

4 讨论 24

4.1工作应激与神经内分泌关系研究中变量的确定 24

4.2护士工作科室和工作应激强度 24

4.3护士工作应激强度和神经内分泌 25

4.4护士工作应激暴露时间和神经内分泌 26

4.5改进和展望 27

5 结论 28

参考文献 29

致谢 32


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