摘 要
Waveform Generator Based on MSP430 Single Chip Microcomputer
The function waveform generator is a signal generating device whose function is to generate some specific time-period, stable and reliable reference function waveform signals. The disadvantages of the traditional waveform signal generator are that the circuit is complicated, the control strength and flexibility are lacking, and the cost is relatively high. In view of the superiority and irreplaceability of many aspects of function waveform generators, function waveform generators have become an indispensable device for many industry research and testing, and play an important role in many aspects.
Therefore, more and more people are designing and fully improving the waveform signal generator, and the products launched are also diverse. However, there are still some unsatisfactory aspects in terms of practical value. At present, a simple, high-precision, low-cost waveform generator is designed, which has the significance of transcending the times. The design of the function waveform generator is to introduce a waveform generator based on MSP430F149 single-chip microcomputer. Although the function and performance of the waveform signal generator are not comparable to the high standard and expensive signal generator, it is simple in structure, low in cost, and capable of Meet the general experimental requirements.
The task of this subject is to design the MSP430F149 micro-controller as the control core, LCD1602 as the display, DAC5615 module as the output converter of digital signal and analog signal, and the button circuit as the input control command waveform to generate electronic products. MSP430F149 as the control core, real-time control conversion; LCD display output waveform and parameters; button to adjust the output state; DAC5615 converts the digital output of the single-chip microcomputer into analog quantity, and outputs it after operation and amplification. In the design of the program and hardware, this topic makes full use of the performance of the MSP430F149 micro-controller, and fully realizes the expected function.
Keywords: Waveform Signal Generator, Single Chip Microcomputer,DAC Digital-to-Analog Conversion, Operational Amplification
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract....................................................................................................................................................... II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题背景及其意义 1
1.2 本设计论文的章节安排及主要内容 2
第二章 方案的设计与论证 3
2.1 系统方案的选择 3
2.2 控制芯片的选择 3
2.3 显示方案的选择 4
2.4 DAC数模转换电路的选择 5
2.5 运算放大电路的选择 5
第三章 波形发生器系统硬件设计 6
3.1 系统的功能分析及电路设计 6
3.1.1 系统功能分析 6
3.1.2 系统总体结构 6
3.2 单片机最小电路设计 7
3.3 DAC电路设计 9
3.4 放大与滤波电路设计 10
3.4.1 运算放大电路设计 10
3.4.2 滤波电路设计 11
3.5 人机接口电路设计 12
3.5.1按键电路设计 12
3.5.2 LCD电路设计 13
第四章 波形发生器系统软件设计 15
4.1 软件总体设计思路 15
4.2 波形发生程序设计 16
4.2.1 DAC控制方法 16
4.2.2正弦波产生 17
4.2.3 三角波产生 18
4.2.4 方波产生 18
4.2.5 延时程序 19
4.3人机接口程序设计 21
4.3.1 LCD显示程序设计 21
4.3.2 按键读取程序设计 22
第五章 波形发生器的结果分析与展望 24
5.1 调试结果分析 24
5.2 设计展望 26
致 谢 27
参考文献(References) 28
附 录 29
第一章 绪 论
1.1 课题背景及其意义