
 2021-12-29 21:05:28


摘 要









Recently, with the rapid development of the economy, the process of civilization increased continuously, and the increased number of the population and the motor vehicles, the supply resource of civil traffic cannot meet the standard of traffic demand. As a result, the problem of traffic jam aroused. However, the construction of road cannot be the best solution to the problem, what we have to do is control the source of traffic.

The research of domestic and foreign expects have revealed that giving priority to the public transport could remit the problem of traffic jam to some degree. By giving priority to public transport which carry much people and run fast and limit the development of private vehicle that cannot carry much people and fail to use the road resource very efficiently, which do good to the use ratio of road. Besides, optimize the traffic signal for public transport is the key part of giving priority to public transport and the key of the essay. The main content is summarized as follows:

Firstly, the essay has introduced the related concept of optimize the traffic signal for public transport and giving priority to public transport. Then several strategies of active preference were introduced, which includes three essential parameters: the minimum time of green light, the partial extension of green light and the maximum time of green light. That has establish the foundation of the research of the active control of preference.

Secondly, the essay has introduced the evolution index for the preference of signal control of junctions and analyzed the delay of several control strategy, which provide the checking index for the effectiveness of the optimized strategy. Besides, the relationship between traffic volume and delay is studied, which will help to explain the parameters used in the following part.

Finally, simulation software is used in the investigated junction. Travel time and delay are used as the evaluation index, three schemes are contrasted. The first is the fixed time of signal control of the junction, the second is the strategy which is optimized by the Webster formulate, the third is the strategy which use the active preference of signal control. It turned out to be that active preference strategy could make further optimization after the optimization of the fixed time signal control which use the Webster formulate, which proves that the active preference strategy is effective in decreasing the delay of traffic.

Key words: public transportation; active preference control strategy; early green; extended green; delay


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3研究现状 2

1.3.1国外研究现状 2

1.3.2国内研究现状 2

1.4研究内容与技术路线 3

第二章 公交优先基本理论 5

2.1公交优先的内涵 5

2.1.1公交优先的定义 5

2.1.2公交优先的分类 5

2.2公交信号优先 7

2.3公交信号优先控制策略 8

2.3.1被动优先 8

2.3.2主动优先 9

2.3.3实时优先 12

2.3.4公交优先策略比较 13

2.4主动优先信号配时参数优化 13

2.4.1最小绿灯时间 13

2.4.2单位绿灯延长时间 14

2.4.3最大绿灯时间 14

2.5本章小结 15

第三章 公交优先信号控制交叉口的效益评价 16

3.1信号控制交叉口效益评价指标 16

3.2主动优先交叉口延误分析 17

3.2.1车均延误变化 17

3.2.2人均延误变化 18

3.3延误与交通量关系的研究 19

3.3.1路网建立与参数设置 19

3.3.2结果分析 20

3.4本章小结 22

第四章 多公交优先申请下的仿真测试 23

4.1信号交叉口特征 23

4.1.1交叉口概况 23

4.1.2交叉口数据 23

4.1.3检测器的设置 25

4.2现有交叉口信号控制优化 26

4.2.1相位设计方案 26

4.2.2配时设计方案 26

4.2.3固定信号配时优化结果分析 28

4.3主动优先控制策略参数计算与程序编制 31

4.3.1主动优先控制策略 31

4.3.2主动优先控制参数 31

4.3.3基于VISVAP的主动优先控制实现 31

4.3.4运行仿真程序 34

4.4仿真结果分析 35

4.5本章小结 37

第五章 结论与展望 38

5.1研究结论 38

5.2展望 38

参考文献 40

第一章 绪论





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