
 2022-11-13 09:51:25


摘 要




Design of Department of Architecture and Art – Atmospheric Design of Architectural Space Based on Constructivism


The emergence of constructivist theory in the 20th century has had a profound impact on modern teaching models and learning space design. With the development of architectural education, the design of architecture and art departmental halls has gradually become the object of public attention. The departmental gallery is the cradle of training architects and the first place where students get to know architecture, whether it is its interior space atmosphere or exterior form design, which makes students establish their own view of architecture by ear, and construct and improve their knowledge system step by step in observation and communication.

Based on the theory of constructivism, this paper presents a cursory study and discussion of the design of architectural space atmosphere. The design approach and objectives of the departmental pavilion are described in terms of limitation and creation, and encounter and communication. The design process is then described in terms of the functional space, physical appearance, and individual characteristics of the departmental building. Finally, the concept and meaning of constructivism and spatial atmosphere are systematically discussed, and the changes in learning spaces brought about by the differences in teaching objectives and teaching methods in architecture today are explored.

Keyword: Department of Architecture and Art, Constructivism, Space Atmosphere, Limitations and Creativity, Encounter and Communication

目 录

摘 要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景 1

1.2设计的关键问题及难点 1

1.3研究的意义 1

第二章 场地概况与前期分析 3

2.1设计要求 3

2.2实地调研 3

2.3明确问题及其探究途径 3

第三章 建筑设计的构思及策略 4

3.1相遇与交流 4

3.1.1建筑的社会性质与作用 4

3.1.2怎样制造相遇的可能 4

3.1.3如何诱导交流的欲望 4

3.2限制与创造 5

3.2.1限制与创造的关系 5

3.2.2设计方法代数系统化 5

3.2.3结合系馆设计的部分限制因素宏观论证 5

第四章 建筑艺术系馆的设计过程与说明 7

4.1空间与功能 7

4.1.1融入自然,顺应地形 7

4.1.2空间划分与功能分区 7

4.1.3庭院空间的塑造 7

4.2形体和立面 8

4.2.1虚实之间 8

4.2.2凹凸进退 8

4.2.3窗与光影 8

4.3性格与情感 9

4.4技术经济指标 9

第五章 建构主义与空间氛围 10

5.1营造空间氛围的因素 10

5.1.1公共空间的划分 10

5.1.2空间感和尺度感的塑造 10

5.1.3建筑与自然环境的交融 10

5.1.4光影的变化 11

5.2教与学的行为模式 11

5.2.1“活教材” 11

5.2.2行为模式对空间设计的影响 11

5.2.3行为与心理 11

5.3建构主义与学习空间的关系 12

5.3.1建构主义对学习空间的影响 12

5.3.2以“建构”代替“传递” 12

5.3.3知识体系的建构过程 13

第六章 研究与设计总结 14

致 谢 15

参考文献 16

第一章 绪论







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