
 2022-12-01 11:08:06


摘 要




目的 促进我国医药中间体企业对销售环节质量风险管理的重视,为质量风险管理体系的完善提供方法建议。方法 基于P制药公司医药中间体市场营销中的质量风险管理体系,并以《药品生产质量管理标准》和国内外近年发表的文献为指导,进行总结,归纳和分析。结果与结论 医药中间体营销中的质量风险管理应从制度体系、人员等各个方面来完善。



The quality of medicines is directly related to the health and safety of patients. Therefore, as a pharmaceutical intermediate company, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality risk management of pharmaceutical intermediates.

For pharmaceutical intermediate companies, it must always be clear that the quality of medicines is inseparable from the life and health of patients. As a supplier of pharmaceutical intermediates, pharmaceutical intermediate companies should not only pay attention to product sales and profits, but also pay more attention to the coordinated development of enterprises and society, and pay attention to the safety of products developed by enterprises.

Studies have shown that although the safety of pharmaceutical intermediates has been widely concerned by society, there are still many problems with the quality and safety of pharmaceutical intermediates. Therefore, it is particularly important to strictly control the quality of pharmaceutical intermediates and use quality risk management in the marketing of pharmaceutical intermediates.

Objective To promote the importance of the pharmaceutical intermediate enterprises in China to the quality risk management of the sales process, and provide suggestions for the improvement of the quality risk management system. Methods Based on the quality risk management system in the marketing of pharmaceutical intermediates of P Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and summarized, summarized and analyzed under the guidance of "Quality Management Standards for Pharmaceutical Production" and the literature published in recent years at home and abroad. Results and conclusions The quality risk management in the marketing of pharmaceutical intermediates should be improved from various aspects such as the system and personnel.

Keywords: pharmaceutical companies; marketing of pharmaceutical intermediates; quality risk management


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景及问题提出 1

1.2研究目的和意义 1

1.2.1研究目的 1

1.2.2研究意义 2

1.3研究方法及内容 2

1.3.1文献研究法 2

1.3.2实地调研法 2

1.3.3案例研究法 2

1.4理论基础 2

1.4.1质量风险控制在医药中间体生产企业中的作用 2

1.4.2 医药中间体营销的相关理论 3

第二章 P公司销售环节质量风险管理现状分析 5

2.1 P公司简介 5

2.2 P公司医药中间体销售现状 5

2.2.1 P公司销售部框架 5

2.2.2 P公司销售环节的构成 6

2.3 P公司经销商和代理商的管理现状 7

第三章 P公司销售环节中存在质量风险的问题及影响因素 8

3.1企业内、外部营销环节和渠道的经营质量风险 8

3.2公司的信息管理系统未得到充分改进 8

3.3医药中间体营销过程中和客户交易缺乏主动防御 9

3.4销售资金回收困难,应收账款形成坏账的风险进一步加大 9

第四章 P公司控制销售环节质量风险的优化方案 10

4.1加强企业风险意识,加强对销售渠道的控制与管理 10

4.2建立医药中间体流通信息监控平台 11

4.3增强营销过程中和客户交易的主动防御 12

4.4加强销售与公司其他部门的合作 13

第五章 结语 14

致 谢 15

参考文献 16




在产品开发,生产,销售和使用等各个环节都有着质量风险管理。对产品的质量风险进行评估和控制,纠正和跟踪的过程是质量风险管理。 通过控制风险,我们可以根据所掌握的事实、知识和数据来预测推断将来可能会发生的危害,从而避免危害的发生。 2010年版的《药品生产质量管理标准》(以下简称:GMP)将从2011年3月1日开始实施,GMP第四节对质量风险管理作出了详细的规定。


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