
 2022-12-03 10:52:02


摘 要



Application Status and Function Improvement of

Biochemistry Teaching Platform


Biochemistry is an important basic subject in the field of life science, which plays an important role in the teaching of related majors. The huge knowledge system and constantly updated technical methods put forward higher requirements for the course teaching. In recent years, the new generation of college students have gradually become the main body of university education. Their learning ability has changed significantly in the era of continuous improvement of material life, deepening of education system reform and rapid development of network and information technology. Therefore, the teaching reform of biochemistry course, especially the two-way education reform of teaching process adapting to students' ability and students adapting to teaching content, is imperative. Taking the subject characteristics of Biochemistry and the rise of micro application teaching platform as an example, this paper discusses many contradictions between the existing course teaching and students' learning, and takes the teaching material system and the online teaching mode of micro application teaching platform as a breakthrough point, and takes the cultivation of students' personality and the improvement of teachers' ability as the goal to explore the higher education training mode of the new generation of college students The course provides a strong guarantee for the development of micro application teaching platform.

Keywords: College students, Biochemistry, Micro Application Platform, Reform, Training Mode

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 文献综述 1

1.1 微应用教学平台联合学科发展新型教学模式的背景 1

1.2 新型教学模式发展现状 1

1.3 现有教学平台的特点 2

1.4 生物化学使用微应用教学平台期望实现的目的与意义 3

第二章 中国大学MOOC 5

2.1 MOOC平台概述 5

2.1.1 平台简介 5

2.1.2 特点 5

2.1.3 平台应用于学科教学的优势 5

2.2平台生物化学课程的构建 6

2.3 基于生物化学学科的平台使用现状 6

2.3.1 平台应用于人数 6

2.3.2 平台板块应用 7

2.3.3 教学使用效果 7

2.4 MOOC应用于学科教学的不足 7

2.5 改进措施 10

第三章 学习通 12

3.1 学习通平台概述 12

3.1.1 平台简介 12

3.1.2 特点 12

3.1.3 平台应用于学科教学的优势 12

3.2平台生物化学学科的构建 12

3.3 基于生物化学学科的平台使用现状 13

3.3.1 平台应用人数 13

3.3.2平台板块应用 13

3.3.3教学使用效果 14

3.4 学习通应用于学科教学的不足 14

3.5改进措施 17

第四章 总结与展望 19

4.1 教学平台使用及改进的意义 19

4.2 学科与平台未来发展模式的探索与展望 19

致谢 21

参考文献(References) 22

  1. 文献综述




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