
 2022-12-25 10:50:59


摘 要






With the gradual development of the times, especially in the 21st century, our country has made rapid progress in terms of economy, culture and other aspects. Behind these achievements is our country's powerful power system. The substation plays an important role as a key link in the power system. The substation can be divided into two parts, the first part refers to the primary equipment, and the second part refers to the secondary equipment.

  Among them, the measurement equipment is the top priority of the secondary equipment, which is related to the working status and efficiency of the entire secondary equipment and even the entire substation. For a long time, the traditional measurement equipment has the problems of large errors and untimely collection of electrical energy information, which has had a significant impact on social and economic benefits. With the progress of science and technology, the economic and industrial development of the entire world and countries has developed rapidly, which has created huge challenges for the power industry system. In the past, substations in the past have shown their limitations and it is difficult to meet current needs.

  In the past decade or two, China has begun to vigorously develop smart grids, and regards this as a strategic goal. The entire country has invested heavily in the construction of smart substations. It is under the implementation of this series of measures that the digital metering system, which is an important part of smart substations, has begun to develop slowly. Prior to this, many solutions for digital metrology equipment have been proposed at home and abroad. Among them, the digital measurement equipment of intelligent stations based on IEC61850 has become the mainstream solution. This article mainly analyzes the different modules of this solution using tools such as visio drawing software and formula editor, and studies the solutions of digital electric energy collection terminals. This is of great significance to the power system and social and economic life.

Keywords: intelligent station,IEC61850,digital metering equipment


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1本课题研究背景与研究意义 1

1.2本课题的历史和现状 2

第二章 智能站电能量采集管理系统 5

2.1 电能量采集管理系统 5

2.2 智能电能表 7

2.3 全数字化电能表的网络拓扑结构 11

2.4 传统式与数字式智能电能表优劣对比 11

2.5本章小结 13

第三章 基于IEC61850的全数字化计量设备 14

3.1 全数字化电能表的信息模型 14

3.2 全数字化电能表的网络拓扑计量结构 16

3.3 全数字化电能表的关键技术分析 18

3.4 数字化电能表的应用 20

3.5本章小结 22

第四章 电能量采集终端应用与研究 23

4.1 电能量采集终端的作用 23

4.2 电能量采集终端的主要功能分析 24

4.3 数字化电能量采集终端技术研究 26

4.4 典型变电站电能量采集终端解决方案 28

4.5 本章小结 31

第五章 结束语 32

5.1结论 32

5.2展望 32

致谢 33

参考文献 34

第一章 引言



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