
 2023-01-19 08:46:53


摘 要





Research on Application of Blended Teaching in Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Teaching


With the further implementation of education informatization, online learning and online teaching have been rapidly developed, and the popularization of mobile clients such as smart phones has greatly promoted the transformation of learning methods. Organic chemistry is an important basic course for chemical engineering, medicine and other related majors. It has a lot of knowledge and both theoretical and practical parts. It has a certain degree of difficulty for undergraduates with weak foundations. Therefore, it is very important to change the traditional teaching methods and explore efficient teaching modes for course learning.

Based on the basic concept of "student-oriented" and relying on the learning platform, this article explores and analyzes the teaching and learning effects of blended teaching in the undergraduate organic chemistry teaching process. First, use the literature research method to discuss and summarize the teaching concepts and teaching models at home and abroad. Secondly, use the questionnaire survey method to understand the subjective and objective influence factors of learners under mixed teaching. Finally use the comparative research method to review the final examination paper Perform inductive analysis with learning data to explore the impact of blended teaching on learners" learning.

The research results show that the blended teaching model has achieved good practical results in undergraduate organic chemistry teaching, but there are still many problems to be solved urgently. Blended teaching gives full play to the advantages of online learning and classroom teaching in undergraduate organic chemistry teaching. It not only makes up for the shortcomings of traditional teaching, but also can give full play to the respective advantages of the two teaching modes and improve the quality of teaching. However, at the student level, Teacher level and school level have weak adaptability to this model. Therefore, further exploration and research on blended teaching is of positive significance.

Keywords: Blended Teaching Mode, Organic Chemistry, Teaching Design, Teaching Implementation, Teaching Evaluation


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1混合式教学的概念界定 1

1.2混合式教学的理论基础 1

1.2.1人本主义理论 1

1.2.2建构主义理论 1

1.2.3行为主义理论 2

1.2.4认知主义理论 2

1.3混合式教学的模型研究 2

1.3.1基于问题式的教学 2

1.3.2翻转课堂教学模式 3

1.3.3基于ADDIE的教学模式 4

1.4本文研究内容及意义 4

第二章 教学设计与实施 6

2.1调查分析阶段 6

2.1.1对学习者的分析 6

2.1.2对教学内容的分析 6

2.1.3对教学情境的分析 7

2.2课程设计阶段 7

2.2.1明确教学目标 7

2.2.2制定教学策略 7

2.2.3搭建教学模型 8

2.3课程资源开发阶段 8

2.3.1线上资源开发 8

2.3.2线下资源开发 9

2.4课程实施阶段 9

2.4.1课前自主学习与“测试-反馈”导学模式 9

2.4.2课中PBL教学与实时测试相结合模式 10

2.4.3课后线上线下结合个性化作业布置模式 10

2.5教学评价阶段 11

2.5.1评价方式趋于多层次化 11

2.5.2考核过程趋于全程化 11

2.6本章小结 12

第三章 效果评价与分析 13

3.1教学满意度调查与分析 13

3.1.1问卷信度分析 13

3.1.2教学满意度分析 13

3.2学习效果评价与分析 14

3.2.1课堂学习表现与期末成绩的关联性分析 14

3.2.2随堂练习得分情况与期末成绩的相关性分析 15

3.2.3混合式教学与传统教学下章节得分率的比较分析 15

3.3本章小结 15

第四章 总结与展望 17

4.1混合式教学中存在的问题总结 17

4.1.1学生大部分无法完成角色转换且对教师依赖性大 17

4.1.2教师教学负担增加且教学任务具有挑战性 17

4.1.3人机交互容易忽视人性化的人与人交往 17

4.2混合式教学的进一步优化 17

4.2.1遵循并落实以学生为中心的教学理念 17

4.2.2重视混合式教学培训和教师集体备课 18

4.2.3引入思政教育提高人文教育氛围 18

4.3混合式教学模式在有机化学教学中的研究展望 18

致谢 19

参考文献 20

附录 22

第一章 绪论




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