
 2023-01-28 09:30:24


摘 要





宋体5号字 加粗 一般3-5个关键字 关键词之间用全角分号隔开,最后一个关键词后面不加标点符号




At present, in order to meet their own needs, most colleges and universities have adopted multi-export networks, mainly due to the limited communication between multiple operators and insufficient IPV4 addresses. In the process of using the network, we often use multiple links in order to improve the speed of our network running. In this paper, the use of strategic routing, and is based on the source address, the purpose of this is to improve network security and its reliability, so as to solve the choice of multiple exports.

Nowadays, due to the popularity of the Internet, it is well-known that universities have the strongest demand for the Internet. The cernet (China education and scientific research computer network) used by various universities can not meet various demands, because of historical problems. Therefore, we choose to improve the exit broadband of the network, such as introducing multiple exit links, one or more, through the local ISP, so as to make up the problem of insufficient exit of a single network. In this way, better scientific research, office services and teaching can be provided for colleges and universities.We also need to optimize the allocation of strategy, in order to improve the external access speed of the website and to show the image of the school in the online enrollment.

Policy routing is a method to change traffic routing in the network for the purpose of modifying routing information technology.

Keywords: routing; BGP routing; Policy routing; Many export

目 录

第一章 引 言 1





1.1课题背景 1

1.2 课题题目的意义 1

1.3 课题任务的要求 1

1.4 论文工作开展 1

1.5 论文框架结构 1

第二章 论文主体 2

2.1 路由的介绍 2

2.2 OSPF路由 2

2.2.1 OSPF路由的介绍...........................................................................................................................2

2.2.2 OSPF的LSA类型...........................................................................................................3

2.3 BGP路由 4

2.4 网络协议 3

2.5 路由冗余 3

2.6 策略路由 3

2.7 多出口路由 3

2.8 路由映射 3

2.9 本章小结 3

第三章 网络拓扑图的建立 8

第四章 实施搭配配置及结果说明 10

结束语 12

致 谢 12

参考文献(References) 13

  1. 引 言



1.2 课题题目的意义


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