
 2023-01-29 13:03:08


摘 要




Research on Evaluation Method of Wind Power Consumption Capacity


Over time, China"s power development has shifted from a model of decentralized development and local consumption to a large-scale, intensive, long-distance and high-voltage transmission mode. However, this transformation model has also brought some problems, such as disorderly over-development of wind power, resulting in low-wind power consumption, large-scale abandonment of wind and peaking difficulties, which not only wastes resources, but also brings certain Difficulties give the system a run.

This paper makes an expound on the concept of wind power consumption research, and studies the impact of wind power consumption on the power grid. Finally, it analyzes and calculates the wind power consumption capacity. The main contents include the background of wind power consumption, the development of wind power in China, and the research on wind power consumption at home and abroad. Through the in-depth analysis of existing consumption theory, the factors affecting wind consumption are summarized: power structure, power grid structure, load characteristics. The grid operation level and wind power technology level have given suggestions for improving the wind power consumption capacity. Finally, the algorithm of wind power consumption capacity is described, and the typical isolated system is calculated. The factors affecting the maximum allowable installed capacity of the wind farm are summarized.

Keywords: Wind Power, Consumption Capacity, Analytical Method, Wind Power Generation


摘 要 I

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 课题的背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1中国风电发展 1

1.2.2国外风电消纳研究 3

1.3本章小结 4

第二章风电消纳理论 5

2.1外部性理论 5

2.2风能资源评估 5

2.3风电消纳因素分析 6

2.3.1电源结构 6

2.3.2电网构架 6

2.3.3负荷特性 7

2.3.4电网运行水平 7

2.3.5风电技术水平 7

2.4风电消纳方法分析 7

2.5本章小结 8

第三章 风电消纳能力算法 9

3.1 风电日负荷特性 9

3.2风电等效容量系数 9

3.3电网平均调峰裕度 9

3.3.1最大负荷时的调峰裕度 9

3.3.2 平均调峰裕度 10

3.4电网风电消纳能力计算 10

3.5典型系统风电消纳能力计算 10

3.5.1 计算条件 10

3.5.2 计算结果及其分析 11

3.6本章小结 11

第四章 总结与展望 12

致谢 13

参考文献 14

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题的背景和意义






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