摘 要
随着全国两会中政府工作报告的营改增具体实施要求的出台,“营改增”再度成为2016年年度关注热词。正如李克强总理提到的,营改增这一税制改革是当前经济发展的让利之举,更在培育未来的“新动能”。 随着当前中国经济新常态的产生,税改的确为企业减了税短期来看带来了我国财政收入的“减”,实际上却是换来了经济长期持续发展的“增”。
随着移动互联时代的来临,我们迎来了“互联网 ”的大潮,“互联网 物流”更是成为物流行业的新方向。物流行业作为我国第三产业当中的新兴产业,而铁路运输企业又是我国物流行业中最早也是迄今为止影响力最广的一个领域,因此研究营改增税制改革下铁路运输企业的税收走向以及税收筹划顺应时代潮流,是至关重要的一个研究方向。
Value-added Tax Planning in Logistics Enterprise Under the Background of Tax Reform
With the implementation of specific requirements issued in the area of tax in the Two Sessions governmental work report,"Business Tax Replaced With VAT”once again become the attention of 2016 annual hot words.Referred to as Premier Li Keqiang, the tax reform of”Business Tax Replaced With VAT” is allowing more profits to move in the current economic development, in cultivating the "new energy"in the future.The new normal of China’s economy indeed bring enterprises tax reduction and even in the short term make China’s fiscal revenue in the "minus" condition.Actually,the reform is an exchange for the economic long-term sustainable development of the "add".
With China’s entry into the mobile internet era,we ushered in the "Internet plus" tide. "Internet plus logistics" is a new direction of the logistics industry.As an emerging industry in the third industry of our country, the railway transport enterprise is the earliest and the most influential field study of China"s logistics industry by far.Therefore,replacing business tax with value-added tax(VAT) tax reform under the railway transport enterprise tax and the tax planning to follow the trend of the times, is a important research direction.
As a company developing from railway transport as the main business to continuous development of growth so far,Tielong logistics become a comprehensive and diversified enterprises.Due to the railway transportation industry in the camp to increase the first batch of pilot range, during the tax reform Tielong logistics which exists a series of columns with tax problems is the discussion of the significance and value of research, as a whole with a place of learning for the logistics industry .
This paper is divided into three parts, including the introduction and literature review, the impact on logistics enterprises by this tax reform,the exploration with an example of Tielong logistics under the background of the VAT tax planning. The first part is the introduction and literature review briefly in this paper, the research background, significance and content and so on, and the views of domestic experts and scholars were briefly summarized; the second part introduce the theory knowledge about this tax reform and the current logistics development affected by the tax reform;the third part is,thinking about Tielong logistics financial data,we can find some problems from the hands of the business change after increasing enterprises , aiming at these problems to put forward the corresponding value-added tax planning suggestions .
Keywords:Business Tax Replaced With VAT ;logistics enterprises;Tielong logistics;tax planning
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究思路及内容 1
第二章 文献综述 2
第三章 营改增的相关概念及其对物流业发展的影响 4
3.1 营改增的相关概念 4
3.1.1 营业税的概念及特点 4
3.1.2 增值税的概念及特点 4
3.1.3 营改增政策概述 4
3.1.4 营改增后物流企业的税收优惠政策 5
3.2 我国物流行业发展现状及其税收政策演变 5
3.2.1 物流概述 5
3.2.2 我国物流业发展现状 5
3.2.3 我国物流企业的发展特点 6
3.2.4 我国物流业税收政策演变 7
3.3 营改增对物流业的影响分析 7
3.3.1 对企业税负的影响 7
3.3.2 对企业纳税申报的影响 7
3.3.3 对物流企业上下游企业的影响 8
第四章 营改增下物流企业增值税纳税筹划——以铁龙物流为例 9
4.1 中铁铁龙集装箱物流股份有限公司公司简介 9
4.2 铁龙物流“营改增”涉税情况介绍 9
4.3 铁龙物流相关财务数据分析 9
4.3.1 铁龙物流2013年和2014年税收数据 10
4.3.2 营改增对铁龙物流负债项目的影响 11
4.3.3 营改增对铁龙物流收入和利润等项目的影响 11
4.4 铁龙物流在“营改增”过程中面临的问题以及原因分析 11
4.4.1 企业税收负担加重 11
4.4.2 可供抵扣的进项税额偏低 12
4.4.3 企业实际获取增值税专用发票和申报抵扣过程中的难点 12
4.4.4 铁龙物流汇总缴纳增值税带来的问题 13
4.4.5 铁龙物流会计核算系统有待完善,财务人员相关专业技能有待加强 13
4.5 营改增背景下铁龙物流增值税纳税筹划 13
4.5.1 有形动产经营性租赁的纳税筹划 13
4.5.2 兼营行为的纳税筹划 14
4.5.3 采购对象的纳税筹划 15
4.5.4 处置废旧物资的纳税筹划 15
4.6 营改增后铁龙物流纳税筹划发展建议 16
4.6.1 适当增加可抵扣项目,扩大抵扣范围 16
4.6.2 利用销项税和进项税延缓纳税 16
4.6.3 适当利用优惠政策和政府补贴降低企业税负 17
4.6.4 加强企业财务人员业务培训,完善会计核算体系 17
第五章 结束与展望 18
参考文献(References) 19
第一章 绪 论
1.1 研究背景及意义
1.2 研究思路及内容
- :绪论。本部分主要阐述研究背景及意义,研究思路及内容。
- :文献综述。由于目前物流业在我国尚处在初步发展阶段,各方面体制机制还不够完善,发展还不够成熟,而“营改增”税制改革又是自2013年才开始试点的新举措,因此物流业的涉税分析也是近几年才开始出现,并且大多数以理论研究为主。
- :结合物流企业的特点、发展现状阐述“营改增”税制改革对于物流企业增值税税负影响。
- :以铁龙物流为实际案例,通过对比税改前后的财务数据变化总结该企业面临的主要问题,并针对这些问题进行纳税筹划。
- :结论与展望。首先对全文的写作内容进行总结,其次根据以上结论对我国物流企业纳税情况进行展望,并对于自己在研究问题的过程中还可以完善的地方进行阐述。
第二章 文献综述