
 2023-02-26 18:11:35


摘 要





Research on the Organization Method of Urban Rail Transit in Special Circumstances


At present, the rapid development of urban rail transit in China, urban rail transit has become an important choice for people to travel, but the increase in urban population has brought serious challenges to rail transport. Because of the particularity of the urban rail transit, in the subway, for example, with inter station distance is small, high density, uninterrupted operation characteristics, the operation of small interval, once there are special circumstances such as an important political activities, sports events and the line or other lines sudden emergencies, such as the will to train the overall operation and urban rail transit system caused by the impact and need to urban rail transportation, organization and personnel in after the discovery, should be able to immediately of urban rail transit traffic organization adjustment and treatment. For the special circumstances of urban rail transit traffic organization how reasonable and effective is still a problem.

In urban rail transit operation organization process, generally on the main line closed car, additional by car, through the station, clear off the train, train in reverse operation, change running cross the road, the bellows for the single, reverse connection of running chart and line sealing station traffic organization.

Based on this, in this paper, the subway as an example, according to the different types of events, combined with the development of domestic urban rail, on the basis of sufficient research of the domestic and foreign urban subway under the special circumstances of traffic organization, summarize, analysis under special circumstances of urban rail transit train operation organization method and gives the perfect plan, provides some suggestions for China"s future in the special case of traffic organization work.

Keywords: Special Situation; Rail Transit; Subway; Traffic Organization

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.1 选题背景 1

1.1.2我国城市轨道交通概况 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 研究内容及意义 2

1.3.1 研究内容 2

1.3.2 研究意义 2

1.4 研究方法 3

第二章 城市轨道交通行车组织 4

2.1 城市轨道交通行车组织指挥体系 4

2.2 行车组织概述 4

2.2.1 运输计划 4

2.2.2 列车交路 4

2.3 列车运行调整方法 4

2.4 调度命令 5

2.4.1 调度命令的发布原则 5

2.4.2 常用的行车组织调度命令 5

2.4.3调度命令的传达 6

第三章 特殊情况下的城市轨道交通 7

3.1 信号设备故障 7

3.2 火灾 7

3.2.1 城市轨道交通火灾的特点 7

3.3 突发大客流 8

3.3.1 突发大客流的定义 8

3.3.2 突发大客流的原因 8

3.3.3 突发大客流下的行车组织 8

第四章 实例分析 10

4.1 火灾 10

4.1.1 火灾概况 10

4.1.2 火灾分析 10

4.1.3 特殊情况下的行车组织中存在的问题 10

4.1.4 特殊情况处理过程中存在的问题 10

4.2 大客流 11

4.2.1 客流分析 11

4.2.2 行车组织调整 11

4.3 地铁线路停电事故 11

4.3.1 事故分析 11

4.3.2 行车组织调整 11

第五章 完善特殊情况下城市轨道交通行车组织方案 13

5.1 健全的特殊情况下城市轨道交通行车组织体制 13

5.1.1 完善特殊情况下城市轨道交通行车组织体制 13

5.1.2 建立特殊情况下多方协作的体制 13

5.2 完善特殊情况下城市轨道交通行车组织的运作体制 13

5.2.1 使特殊情况的预警机制高效化 13

5.2.2 使特殊情况下城市轨道交通行车组织的决策科学化 13

5.3 加强对特殊情况的防范 13

5.3.1 加强乘客的自救能力 13

5.3.2 加强特殊情况下行车组织队伍的培养 14

5.3.3 完善相关的法律法规 14

第六章 结论与展望 15

6.1 结论 15

6.2 展望 15

致 谢 16

参考文献 17

第一章 绪论

    1. 研究背景

1.1.1 选题背景



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