摘 要
With development of smart substation and smart power grids, the demand of monitoring primary equipments is becoming higher and higher. The traditional monitoring ways such as manual inspection and regular maintenance become unable to meet the requirements of such monitoring demand in smart substation. Condition -based maintenance appeared after that. In smart substation, there become a great deal of monitored objects and different types online. Therefore on-line monitoring system involves multiple fields of electrica power stytem. The on-line monitoring system directly effects the steady operation of smart substation.
In the first part, it introduced the development history of substation technology, as well as the excellent insulation and heat conduction of SF6. Then it gave a detailed introduction,which mainly study the online monitoring system and different types of equipment monitoring. This includes dissolved gases in transformer oil monitoring, partial discharge monitoring, arrester tester monitoring and on-line monitoring integrated application server. In the second part, on-line capacitive equipment insulation monitoring is introduced specifically in this paper. It elaborated that capacitive equipment insulation is monitored by measuring loss angle tangent. It also introduced offline monitoring measuring methods and online capacitive equipment insulation monitoring system. In the last part, this paper introduced the micro-water content in SF6 online monitoring system. Firstly, it stated the necessity of monitoring the micro-water in SF6 from two parts of the source and damage of micro-water in SF6 online monitoring system. Then it stated the micro-water monitoring off-line and on-line measuring method and contents in micro-water in SF6 on-line monitoring system.
Keywords:SF6; micro-water content; on-line monitor
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1 电力系统变电站的发展过程 1
1.2 智能变电站 2
1.3 SF6的物理特性和化学特性 3
1.4本文主要研究内容 3
2 智能变电站设备在线监测 5
2.1变压器油中溶解气体监测的功能原理及技术指标 7
2.2 局部放电监测 9
2.3 避雷器在线监测功能原理及技术指标 11
2.4状态监测综合服务器 11
2.5 本章小结 12
3. 电容型设备绝缘在线监测 13
3.1监测特征量的选取原理 13
3.2介质损耗角正切值tanδ的离线检测 15
3.2.1 西林电桥 15
3.2.2 不平衡电桥 17
3.2.3 数字式电桥 17
3.3 电容型设备在线监测装置的监测方法 18
3.3.1 电容型设备在线监测装置的监测方法简介 18
3.3.2国内主流电容型设备在线监测测量方法 20
3.4 电容型设备在线监测装置的系统构成 20
3.4.1电流传感器 20
3.4.2综合监测单元和站内子站 21
3.4.3站内电容型设备在线监测系统结构 21
3.5本章小结 21
4. 智能变电站SF6微水在线监测技术 23
4.1 SF6微水监测的必要性 23
4.1.1 SF6中微量水分带来的危害 23
4.1.2 SF6气体中微量水分的主要来源及分布 23
4.2 SF6气体离线监测方法 23
4.3 SF6微水在线在测方法 24
4.4 SF6气体在线监测系统结构 25
4.5 本章小结 26
5.结论与展望 27
5.1 结论 27
5.2 展望 27
谢 辞 28
参考文献 29
1.1 电力系统变电站的发展过程
1. 电力传输的转换和分配功能的实现。由于长距离输电是高电压,在短距离输电和服务用户时需要通过主变压器将高电压转化为低电压,适应不同层次、不同电压等级电网的相互耦合和连接,将电源与用户连接在一起,这就构成了电网的纵向结构,使电能即使在不同电压等级的电网中,也能输送与转换。