摘 要
8 # workshop Bill of quantities and C Business tender offer
In the project bidding, the use of bill of quantities is the international practice of the more common practice, the tender in accordance with the provisions of the national unity of the amount of engineering rules to provide the amount of engineering, bidders in accordance with the bill of quantities of independent quotes. Bill of Quantities Bidding method of adaptability is extremely extensive, this method is extremely scientific and reasonable.
The graduation design is the Jiangsu Tomson New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. 8 # workshop engineering project inventory list, and from the actual situation of enterprises B, B enterprises to complete the project tender documents preparation. B enterprises for the original city of a state-owned medium-sized construction enterprises, 2000 restructuring. The company has a construction of the construction of a general contractor qualification, municipal public works two general contractor qualification and foundation and basic engineering, fire facilities engineering, mechanical and electrical equipment installation, decoration, steel structure engineering two professional qualification. 8 # workshop This project is located in Taixing Economic Development Zone, is a two-story frame structure, the total length of 42.50 meters, the total width of 30.50 meters, the building height of 9.650 meters, the larger amount of engineering, but the construction process is simple. This graduation design through a detailed process will be the preparation of the entire bill of quantities and B companies tend to show the tender offer.
Keywords: Bill of quantities;Bidding
目 录
摘 要 I
ABstract II
第一部分 毕业设计综述 1
第一章 工程概况 2
第二章 毕业设计任务 3
第二部分 8#车间工程量清单编制 9
第三部分 C企业投标报价 21
第一章 投标函及投标函附录 23
第二章 法定代表人身份证明(略) 24
第三章 授权委托书(略) 24
第四章 联合体协议书(略) 24
第五章 投标保证金 25
第六章 已标价工程量清单 26
工程量清单报价格式 26
第七章 施工组织设计 52
第八章 项目管理机构(略) 63
第九章 资格审查资料(略) 63
第四部分 我国招投标制度存在的问题与改进策略 64
结 束 语 68
谢 辞 69
参 考 文 献 70
第一章 工程概况