
 2023-03-16 09:03


摘 要






E-commerce has become more and more prosperous in such an era, online shopping has become an indispensable part of people"s lives. Books inside the library is even more dazzling, a lot of time the user will feel unable to start, in order to solve this problem, the recommendation technology came into being. Recommended technology can be based on the customer"s own interests, to help customers quickly find what they need from these books, improve the efficiency of the purchase. Recommendation technology can be used to predict the user"s interest, to recommend to the user what they want. Recommendation technology can change the way users access to information, users can be recommended by the site, quickly find the resources you want, and ultimately improve the loyalty of the site, thereby increasing revenue.

Now most of the sites are using a comprehensive recommendation system, but the shortcomings of these recommendation systems is also obvious, that is, its flexibility and intelligence are poor. Due to the emergence of artificial intelligence and distributed systems, the recommendation system has begun to gradually tend to the direction of soft and soft, multi Agent technology is such a typical representative.

In this paper, the research is based on the use of multi Agent technology books website recommendation system. In this paper, through reading the relevant literature and information, to understand the definition and characteristics of Agent, analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of Agent, master MAS architecture and Agent model, laying the foundation for the analysis. Secondly, the paper studies the characteristics of the library website, analyzes the requirements for the recommendation, and analyzes the system, and obtains the B/S/A design ideas.

Keywords: Recommendation system; Multi-agent system; Book website recommendation system

目 录

摘 要 II

Abstract III

第一章 绪 论 5

1.1 研究背景 5

1.2 研究意义 5

1.3 论文框架 6

第二章 相关文献综述 7

第三章 Agent理论与推荐策略研究分析 8

3.1Agent技术 8

3.1.1 Agent的特征 8

3.1.2 Agent的内部结构 8

3.2智能Agent的基本模型 8

3.3推荐策略研究 9

3.4MAS体系结构研究 9

3.5多Agent的优点分析 10

3.5.1Agent作为软件工程的一种风格 10

3.5.2Agent作为理解人类社会的工具 11

3.6多Agent的缺点分析 11

3.6.1多Agent系统不完全是分布式/并发系统 11

3.6.2多Agent系统不完全是人工智能 11

第四章 图书网站推荐系统的策略分析 13

4.1 图书网站系统的特点 13

4.2 图书网站提供的推荐 13

4.3 图书网站推荐方法分析 13

4.3.1 人工推荐 14

4.3.2 统计分析推荐 14

4.3.3基于内容的推荐 14

4.3.4关联规则 14

4.3.5协同过滤 14

第五章 多Agent技术下的图书网站推荐系统设计思路 15

5.1系统分析 15

5.2系统设计思路 16

5.2.1Java语言 17

5.2.2JACK平台下个性化推荐系统的设计思路 17

5.3系统实施 18

结 论 19

致谢 20

参考文献(References) 21

第一章 绪 论


近年来,电子商务得到了迅速广泛的应用,由于其方便、快捷、高效等优势,已成为广大消费者购买 或者浏览商品的主要形式之一,网购成为了大多数人日常生活中的一部分。电子商务系统在某种程度上位用户提供了十分便利的商品选择,但是还是会经常性地出现找不到商品的情况,电子商务网站鉴于其虚拟性的特点,能够摆放成千上万的商品,这就会使消费者在选择购物网站的时候,感觉无法入手。倘若在用户挑选自己想买的商品时,耗费了大量寻找的时间,这在很大一定程度上是会影响用户的体验的。在这样一个大前提之下,如果网站能够提前知道用户的喜好或者购物习惯,同时理解到用户的需求,将用户内心里最想要的商品主动的而非被动的提供出来,那样用户一定会大大的提高其对网站的满意程度,该网站的流量也将会得到很大的提升,并尽可能的转化成实际购买力。

目前,很多网站都选择采用这样的方式,如当当的“购买了该商品的用户还购买了”等,推荐功能就是为了实现这样一种技术。大部分的网站常用的算法是通过基于内容的推荐、关联规则和协同过滤等方式实现。传统的推荐系统采用的实现方式是集成化,但是这种系统有一个缺点,就是灵活性较差。由于现在人工智能以及分布式系统的出现,推荐系统也开始慢慢的偏向于比较柔软化的方向发展,多A gent技术就是解决这些问题的一种策略。

1.2 研究意义



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