
 2023-03-17 10:29:51


摘 要






The computer networks,especially the rapid development of Internet bring lots of values for society today and it almost has covered all kinds of fields. But the main Protocol of Internet, IPv4 has not satisfied the need of the development in future because it has been limited by the defects in present system, IPv6 was devised to substitute IPv4 by IETF.

Internet is close to also already 10 in development of our country, the network scale is already pretty considerable, needs to reform a commercial net from IPv4for IPv6 is also difficult. But grave IPv4 address shortage problem is threatening us in grave field sustained development affecting the IP net’s especially gravely. Population base of our country is very big, the economic growth tendency is fine, and the scale fixing telecommunication networks and the scale moving telecommunication networks already occupy second worlds. IPv4 has no way to satisfy the need that our country high speed develops. The entire transition from IPv4 to IPv6 will spend much time, and the coexistence will last for a long period of time, the research on the smooth transition from IPv4 to IPv6 is of necessity and Prospect.

In the thesis, introduce the fundament characteristics of IPv6, Dual stack and NAT-PT Network Address Translation Protocol Translation In the future, the users could connect and visit with IPv6.

Key words:IPv6; Internet Technology;Switch Technology


摘 要 1

第一章 绪论 3

1.1 引言 3

1.2 课题背景 3

1.3 课题意义 4

1.4 本文研究内容 4

1.5 本文工作安排 5

第二章 IPv6 网络 协议的研究 5

2.1 IPv4的不足之处 5

2.2. IPv6协议的产生 5

2.2.1改变IPv4的动机 5

2.2.2 IPv6的诞生 6

2.3 IPv6技术 6

2.3.1 IPv6地址表示法 6

2.3.2 IPv6基本报头(IPv6 Header) 7

2.3.3 IPv6扩展报头(IPv6 Extension Header) 9

2.3.4 IPv6地址分类 11

2.3.5 ICMPv6 13

2.3.6 邻居发现机制 14

2.3.7 IPv6路由技术 15

2.4 本章小结 16

第三章 中型企业网IPv6的设计与实现 17

3.1 实验平台的选择 17

3.1.1 选择操作系统 17

3.1.2路由平台的选择 17

3.1.3 平台的登入 17

3.2 局域网内IPv6主机联通实现 18

3.2.1 实验环境及拓扑结构 19

3.2.2 IPv6 地址使用DHCP技术自动下放 19

3.2.3 IPv6实验主机的配置(见附录) 20

3.3 本章小结 22

第四章 总结与展望 22

4.1 总结 22

4.2 展望 23

结束语 23

参考文献 24

第一章 绪论

1.1 引言




  1. 先行登录


  1. 封闭加密



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