摘 要
The assignment as a Multi-National Corporation exploring an efficient knowledge management tools
The Multi-National Corporation overseas as an effective knowledge management tools to explore with the increasing integration of global economy and the deepening of the Multi-National Corporation, the Multi-National Corporation has played a more and more important role in the global economy. At the same time,more and more expatriates have been sent abroad to work. They are abroad often encounter many difficulties and problems resulting in expatriate failure, the failure of external cost is very high, so the study on the causes of the failure of the expatriates, raising the possibility of expatriate success is very important.With the reform and opening-up of our country deepening and the continuous improvement of the level ofopening up, as China"s comprehensive national strength and economic strength has been continuously enhanced, more and more foreign Multi-National Corporation to set up subsidiary companies, research institutions and regional headquarters in China; at the same time, there are more and more Multi-National Corporation expatriates to work in other countries. However, there are many differences in culture and economy of various countries. Based on the above reasons, the staff as the research object, the overseasas the tools of knowledge management success and failure are analyzed, and draw the conclusion,discussion.
First of all, this paper analyzes the characteristics and development trend of Multi-National Corporationoverseas as an effective tool of knowledge management. Secondly this paper analyzes the successful experience of overseas Multi-National Corporation and Multi-National Corporation expatriate failure. Then,summarizes the countermeasures to improve the overseas Multi-National Corporation, as the tools of knowledge management success. Finally, this paper summarizes and puts forward the research direction in the future。
Keywords:Multi-National Corporation; Expatriate; Nowledge discovery; Cultural differences; Dispatch目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究问题和研究目的 1
1.3 研究意义 1
1.4 论文结构 1
第二章 相关文献综述 3
第三章 外派作为跨国公司一个有效的知识管理工具的特点与发展趋势 6
3.1 外派的定义 6
3.2 美国公司大量削减外派人员 6
3.3 日本和欧洲公司则更喜欢使用外派人员 6
3.4 各国跨国公司在不同的国家、不同的管理层上对外派人员的使用也不同 6
3.5 雇员对外派任命态度的转变 7
3.6 外派人员的效率低、失败率较高 7
第四章 外派作为跨国公司的知识管理工具成功以及失败的原因分析 8
4.1跨国公司外派取得成功的经验 8
4.1.1 明确的外派目的 8
4.1.2 恰当的人员选派 8
4.1.4 妥善的归国安置 9
4.2 跨国公司外派失败的教训 10
4.2.1 人员选派失误 10
4.2.2 家庭的影响 10
4.2.3 培训 10
4.2.4 置失当 11
第五章 跨国公司提高外派作为知识管理工具成功率的对策 12
5.1 外派前:外派人员的选拔和培训 12
5.1.1 "漏斗式"外派人员选拔 12
5.1.2全面培训,做好外派准备 12
5.2 外派期间:外派人员的跟踪管理和情感联系 12
5.2.1 弹性绩效管理 13
5.2.2 实践中培训 13
5.2.3 人性化的情感支持和关怀 13
5.2.4 归国前的职业规划准备 13
5.3 外派人员的归国安置 14
5.3.1归国培训 14
5.3.2设立归任"过渡期" 14
第六章 结论与展望 15
6.1结论 15
6.2展望 15
6.3论文总结 15
致 谢 16
参考文献(References) 17
第一章 绪论
1.3 研究意义
1.4 论文结构