
 2023-03-19 10:03


摘 要




Perceived organizational support for the influence of expatriate success


With the development of economic globalization, multinational enterprises have stood in the tide of economic globalization wave. International human resource management, it has become an important part of the core competitiveness of enterprises, the management of dispatched personnel is an important link in international human resource management. With the global economic integration deepening progress, many large enterprises in China have to go abroad, to join the ranks of multinational enterprises. But foreign nationals of the sending process, not the everything is going smoothly. Most multinational management effect is unsatisfactory, the common problems are mainly the high expatriation failure rate, low performance and high turnover rate of returnees. How to improve the success rate, Eisenberger(1986)on the basis of the in-depth study of the organizational support theory and perceived organizational support. Preliminary study suggests, perceived organizational support for expatriate employees of successful prediction plays an important role. Scholars believe that organizational support may be important in determining the employee"s own adjustment and performance factors. In addition, the organization supports the theory that the perceived organizational support is a valuable resource because it ensures that employees can get timely help when faced with the pressure and overcome the difficulties affecting work efficiency.

In this paper, the multinational Corporation for the employees perceived organizational support as the object of study, mainly adopting the methods of theory analysis and case practice, firstly, defines the concept of perceived organizational support, and the influence of perceived organizational support factors are analyzed. Discussion on the current economic environment, the role of the present situation, study the main problems. Analysis of influence of perceived organizational support for the organization, have mutual influence on employee. Finally, the research content above, puts forward the main countermeasures to improve the success rate of assignment.

Key words: multinational Corporation; expatriate; perceived organizational support;expatriate management

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章:绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究问题和研究目的 1

1.3探索意义 1

1.4论文结构 1

第二章:文献综述 3

2.1外派的相关定义 3

2.2组织支持感的定义 3

2.3 POS前因变量 4

2.3.1组织公平 4

2.3.2 领导支持 4

2.3.3工作条件与奖励 4

2.4 POS结果变量 5

2.4.1组织承诺 5

2.4.2工作投入 5

2.4.3 组织公民行为 5

第三章:中国公司外派的现状及问题分析 7

3.1中国公司外派简介 7

3.2 中国公司外派的主要问题 7

3.2.1外派制度体系规划性不足 7

3.2.2跨文化培训缺失 7

3.2.3激励体系不科学 8

第四章:提高组织支持感水平,改善外派人员管理 9

4.1外派项目规划的制定 9

4.2跨文化培训充足 9

4.3职员激励富有成效 9

4.4妥当的归国安置 10

第五章TCL集团的成功外派 11

5.1 TCL集团概述 11

5.2 TCL集团的成功外派经验 11

5.2.1挑选外派服务人员 11

5.2.2外派员工跨文化培训 11

5.2.3外派人员的薪酬体系 12

5.2.4跨文化整合 12

第六章:结论与展望 13

6.1研究结论 13

6.2研究存在不足 13

6.3分析前景 13

6.4 论文总结 13

致谢 15

参考文献(References) 16




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