摘 要
Discussion on Intra Industry Trade of High and New Technology Products in Jiangsu Province
In the international economic activities, the intra industry trade can improve the status of China in international division of labor in the trade, the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, have the very important influence and role of the level of technology to improve products and improve the international competitiveness. High tech industry as a pillar industry of the knowledge economy, the export situation to promote the upgrading of the industrial structure has an important significance to change the mode of economic growth, reflects the economic strength of a country or a region, scientific and technological strength and international competitiveness. In recent years, the foreign trade of Jiangsu province is from inter industry trade to intra industry trade to change the dominant direction of trade structure change has great influence on the industrial structure the research on technological progress. How to guide the development of intra industry trade to Jiangsu Province, improve the quality of the products, and the formation of scale economy, the formation of internationally competitive industries, It has important practical significance to promote the industrial development and industrial structure upgrading of Jiangsu province.
This paper first from Jiangsu Province high-tech products intra industry trade of the research background of determine the purpose and significance of this study, analysis of the impact of the measures of Jiangsu Province high-tech products intra industry trade factors. Mainly through theoretical analysis and empirical analysis of research methods studied. Firstly, the Jiangsu Province high-tech products intra industry trade development present situation, then to find out the influence factors of high-tech products in Jiangsu Province and carries on the empirical analysis, and finally put forward the suggestions for Jiangsu Province high-tech products intra industry trade factors influence.
Keywords: Jiangsu province; High and new technology products; Intra industry trade; Influencing factor; Policy suggestion
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 1
1.3 文献综述 1
1.4 研究思路及内容 2
1.5 本文主要框架 2
2.1高新技术产品的定义 4
2.2 产业内贸易的定义 4
2.3 江苏省高新技术产品产业内贸易发展 4
2.3.1 江苏省高新技术产品进出口贸易总额逐年增加 5
2.3.2 高新技术产品进出口领域相集中 5
2.3.3 产业内贸易方式以加工贸易为主,但比例逐年降低 6
2.3.4 出口企业以外商独资为主 7
2.3.5 江苏省内不同地区产业内贸易状况发展不均 8
第三章 江苏省高新技术产品产业内贸易的指数测算 10
3.1 G—L指数静态测算江苏省高新技术产品产业内贸易水平 10
3.2 MIIT指数动态测算江苏省高新技术产品产业内贸易水平 11
3.3 江苏省与主要贸易伙伴的产业内贸易状况 12
第四章 江苏省高新技术产品产业内贸易影响因素 13
4.1 商品差异 13
4.2 市场结构 13
4.3 规模经济 13
4.4 人均收入差距 13
4.5 市场集中度 14
4.6 贸易不平衡性 14
4.7 外国直接投资 14
4.8 技术进步(TP) 14
第五章 江苏省高新技术产品产业内贸易发展的政策建议 15
5.1大力促进经济的发展,提高江苏省每年的人均收入 15
5.2 外商的直接投资要充分利用,实现产业结构调整 15
5.3 大力发展特色性产品,提高对外贸易竞争力 15
5.4 积极引进新型技术,注重技术的消化、吸收与创新 15
5.5 鼓励江苏省企业对外投资,利用优先资源,增加企业影响力 16
5.6 优化产业的结构,促进产业的升级 16
5.7 树立人才的培养机制 16
第六章 结论及展望 17
6.1 研究结论 17
6.2 研究展望 17
致 谢 18
参考文献(References) 19
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景