摘 要
The Causes,Effects and Countermeasures of China"s Tourism
Service Trade Deficit
With the expending trend of the China’s tourism service trade deficit, this paper is contributing to studying the development of tourism and the present situation analysis. In order to analyze the causes and effects of the deficit, and put forward the effective countermeasures to improve the deficit. In this thesis, first of all, the general situation of the development of tourism service trade in China as the foundation focuses on the analysis of the status in quo of the development of tourism service trade. It can be seen that the number of the Chinese outbound tour continued rising year by year. But the number of inbound tourists is increasing slowly, and the domestic consumption of foreign tourists is low. Research and analysis show that the deficit to the development of China"s tourism enterprises, tourism, tourism service trade and service trade brought adverse effects, and analyzes the causes of these effects of internal causes and external causes.
Then, this article take the tourism service trade surplus country-Italy as an example, draw lessons from the successful experience of Italy tourism development, summed up the Enlightenment of China"s tourism service trade development. Finally, based on the analysis of the above to the deficit and the impact of the reasons, and then put forward the tax system to promote tourism consumption, government financing to maintain the sustainable development of tourism industry etc. In order to improve the effective countermeasures of China"s tourism service trade deficit situation.
Keywords: China’s tourism service trade; Deficit; Causes; Effects; Countermeasures
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究的意义 1
1.3 论文框架 1
1.4 文献综述 2
第二章 中国旅游服务贸易的发展概况和现状分析 4
2.1 中国旅游服务贸易的发展概况 4
2.2 中国旅游服务贸易的现状分析 5
2.2.1 中国旅游服务贸易入境游现状 5
2.2.2 中国旅游服务贸易出境游现状 7
第三章 中国旅游服务贸易逆差产生的影响 9
3.1 不利于直接旅游企业拓展入境游业务 9
3.2 不利于我国旅游业的均衡发展 9
3.3 不利于我国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力的提升 10
3.4不利于我国国际服务贸易的收支平衡 12
第四章 中国旅游服务贸易逆差产生的原因 14
4.1 出境游目的地对中国公民签证政策放宽 14
4.2 中国公民出境旅游消费需求旺盛 14
4.3 中国公民出境旅游方式更加多样化 14
4.4 法定节假日制度改革的“挤出效应” 15
4.5 我国旅游业的服务水平和专业程度低 15
4.6 中国游客的旅游形象国际认可度不高 16
第五章 意大利旅游服务贸易发展案例 18
5.1 意大利旅游服务贸易发展优势 18
5.2 意大利旅游服务贸易主要发展战略 18
5.2.1 维持主要旅游城镇特色 18
5.2.3 加强旅游产业相关的基础设施建设 19
5.2.4 扩大旅游业融资渠道 20
5.3 意大利旅游服务贸易发展对中国的启示 20
第六章 改善中国旅游服务贸易逆差的对策 22
6.1 完善税收制度促进旅游消费 22
6.2 对主要客源地市场进行细分开发特色旅游产品 22
6.3 加强对相关旅游服务产业的监管力度 23
6.4 鼓励互联网旅游企业开拓新客源市场 23
6.5 政府融资维持旅游产业的持续发展 23
结 论 24
致 谢 25
参考文献(References) 26
第一章 绪 论
1.1 研究背景