摘 要
Replace business tax effect on the construction industry
On January 1, 2012 in Shanghai and parts of modern service industry in the transport business tax with VAT reform, opened the business tax reform tax reform unfolds. Sales tax with VAT is a national pilot reform to implement structural tax reductions as an important initiative, is also a major tax reform. To 2015, "camp changed by" pilot will gradually expand to the construction industry, real estate, financial services and service industries and other areas, covering the whole. Camp changed increasing the aim of eliminating double taxation problems in certain sectors, improve the tax system, promote the healthy and sustainable development of enterprises, and to some extent this policy, but also brings some great effects and many other issues.
This times business tax modified VAT for building enterprise,, tax declined possibilities larger, different of enterprise due to containing tax raw materials accounted for than different may effects more difficult consistent, based on 60% containing tax raw materials accounted for than of assumed, industry is expected to achieved tax declined; profit end due to exists tax modified Hou for VAT passed on of new a round game, different passed on site more excess proceeds; cash flow end due to tax of reduced is expected to achieved situation improved, but currently for construction levy VAT Hou of reported tax points also no findings, Therefore more difficult to compare with the tax point, reforms intended to cut taxes, end of corporate cash flow expected to improve.
In short, building enterprise "camp to increase" to adapt to the economic environment, optimization of internal management, improve the level of accounting, to seriously study the related knowledge, value VAT accounting for enterprises to build a good tax planning platform, the "camp to increase" as an opportunity for enterprises to strengthen their internal control promotion, strengthening tax planning in order to achieve the goal of reduce the tax burden on enterprises.
Keywords: replace business tax VAT; construction; the tax burden impact
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 3
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2研究思路及内容 1
第二章 相关概念及政策解释 3
2.1增值税和营业税概述 3
2.1.1增值税概述 3
2.1.2增值税纳税人的划分 3
2.1.3增值税税率 3
2.2营业税概述 4
2.2.1营业税概念 4
2.2.2营业税税率 4
2.3营改增相关政策介绍 5
2.3.1背景及意义 5
2.3.2试点行业范围 5
2.3.3计税方法 5
2.3.4增值税税率和征收率 6
2.3.5税收优惠和注意事项 6
第三章 建筑业营改增的必要性和可行性分析 ............................................................................8
3.1建筑业营改增的必要性 8
3.2建筑业营改增的可行性 8
3.2.1建筑业营业税和增值税并行对社会和企业带来的影响 8
3.2.2其他行业营改增政策实行的成功对建筑业营改增的影响 9
第四章 营改增对建筑业的影响 10
4.1建筑业营改增对税负的影响 10
4.2建筑业营改增对收入的影响 10
4.2.1直接减少政府流转税税收收入 10
4.2.2 增加下游企业的增值税进项税额抵扣数额 10
4.2.3 减少建筑业企业应纳企业所得税税额 10
4.3建筑业营改增对纳税筹划的影响 10
4.3.1 进项税方面 10
4.3.2 甲供材料方面 11
4.4建筑业营改增对会计核算的影响 11
4.4.1 对收入核算带来的影响 11
4.4.2 对成本核算带来的影响 11
4.4.3 对现金流和利润核算带来的影响 11
第五章 建筑业营改增可能遇到的问题及对策 12
5.1建筑业营改增可能遇到的问题 12
5.1.1企业税负大幅提高,施工成本水涨船高 12
5.1.2进项税额难以抵扣 12
5.1.3发票风险陡增 12
5.1.4企业的账务处理难度增加 13
5.2建筑业营改增的对策 13
第六章 结束语 15
致 谢 16
参考文献(References) 17
第一章 绪论
2012年1月1日起,“营改增”首先从上海市的交通运输业和部分现代服务业开始试点,至 2015年1月1日止,只剩下建筑业、房地产业、金融业和生活性服务业未纳入营改增试点。这是自2009年全面实施增值税转型改革后税收制度的又一次重大变革。建筑业虽然没有纳入试点范围,但实施“营改增”是大势所趋。“营改增”对建筑业有何影响,建筑业如何应对本次税制改革,是目前急需研究和解决的问题。