
 2022-01-17 23:24:13


目 录

一、 引言 1

1.1对时滞奇异摄动系统研究的目的和意义 1

1.2国内外研究发展现状 2

1.3 论文的主要工作与思路 2

二、 时滞奇异摄动系统简介 3

2.1 时滞系统简介 3

2.2时滞奇异摄动系统 4

三、 附加性容错控制原理 4

3.1标称复合控制设计 5

3.1.1 以Lambert W函数为基础的慢子系统的简化标称控制设计 5

3.1.2运用Lanmbert W函数配置极点的几个例子 7

3.1.3慢子系统状态反馈增益 8

3.1.3快子系统的状态反馈 9

3.1.4时滞奇异摄动系统的状态反馈复合 9

3.2附加性控制律 10

3.2.1故障幅度估计及观测器设计 10

3.2.2时滞慢子系统的的简化附加控制 12

3.2.3时滞奇异摄动系统的整体附加性容错控制设计 12

四、 仿真结果 13

4.1 Mtalab/simulink简介 13

4.2 关于时滞奇异摄动系统容错控制的两个个例子 13

例4-2:设有如下时滞奇异摄动系统 21

六、 结束语 26

6.1总结 26

6.2展望 27

七、参考文献 27

致谢 28



, China

Abstract:In view of the time-delay phenomenon and sensor failure often found in actual systems, this paper studies the fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control of singular perturbation systems with time-delay. Firstly, the development and research directions of singularly perturbed system, singular perturbation system with singular perturbation, and fault-tolerant control of singularly perturbed faults are given. Then, we use the pole configuration, the fast-slow decomposition method of singularly perturbed systems, and the Lambert W function method. System fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control methods are designed. The main content of the article is as follows:

1. Firstly, we give the actual status of the development of time-delay and singular perturbation systems, and describe the purpose and significance of the research on singular perturbation systems with time-delay. Describes the research prospects for singularly perturbed systems, and finally presents the research method used in this paper—the fast and slow decomposition method.

2. State-space equations are used to describe the time-delay systems and time-delay singular perturbation systems. The fast-slow decomposition method is used to decompose the system into a slow subsystem with time delay and a fast subsystem without time delay.

3.The principle of additive fault-tolerant control is described in this paper. It is considered that the fault only affects the slow subsystem of the system. Firstly, the controller of the slow subsystem is designed by using the Lambert W function, and then the controller of the fast subsystem is designed by using the pole configuration method. Finally, the two are combined into a controller of the original system according to a certain degree; this paper only considers that the fault only occurs. In the slow subsystem channel, a time-delay Lebeurg observer is used to estimate the slow subsystem status and fault estimation. The fault-tolerant control of the original system is obtained by adding a fault-tolerant controller to the compound controller of the singular singular perturbation system.

4. Use MATLAB and SIMULINK for simulation analysis of examples.


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