目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 研究背景与研究意义 1
1.2智能垃圾桶的国内外研究概况 1
1.3 本文的各节工作内容 2
2 设计方案论证分析 3
2.1预期目标实现 3
2.2方案论证 3
2.2.1自动开盖的设计方案 3
2.2.2垃圾分类信息提示的设计方案 4
3智能垃圾桶系统硬件设计 4
3.1 系统整体设计 4
3.2 微控制器的选择 5
3.2.1 单片机的选型分析 5
3.2.2 单片机的可开发性 5
3.2.3 STC89C52设计相关信息介绍 6
3.2.4 单片机最小系统 6
3.3 FC-123人体红外感应工作原理 6
3.4 28BYJ-48电机驱动模块电路设计 7
3.5 LM75A温度模块电路设计 8
3.6 GY-30光照模块电路设计 9
3.7 QXWT588D-1语音模块电路设计 10
3.8 LCD液晶显示电路设计 11
4 智能垃圾桶软件设计 12
4.1主程序设计 12
4.2初始化子程序 13
4.3 LM75A温度检测子程序 13
4.4 GY-30光照检测子程序 14
4.5 QXWT588D-1语音播放前期准备及其子程序 15
4.6 28BYJ-48电机驱动子程序 16
4.7 LCD1602液晶显示子程序 16
5调试结果 18
5.1语音部分的处理 18
5.2实物调试 22
5.2.1 实物模块介绍 22
5.2.2 系统初始化 23
5.2.3 光照模块功能展示 23
5.2.4 人体靠近时的功能展示 24
5.2.5 人体离开时的功能展示 26
5.2.6 温度模块功能展示 28
5.3 硬件和软件调试 29
6 系统改进 30
7 结束语 31
参考文献 31
致 谢 32
, China
Abstract: This paper presents a hardware and software design of intelligent classification garbage bin control system based on 51 MCU. The system includes temperature module, illumination module, human body infrared module, voice broadcast module, motor module and display module. A STC89C52 single chip microcomputer is used as the processor, and the temperature of the garbage bin can be detected in real time by the temperature module and the buzzer can be used to raise the alarm in the case of abnormal high temperature. The illumination module detects the light condition around the dustbin. When the light condition around the trash can is not good, light the small lamp to provide the light source. The voice module detects when someone is approaching and suggests how garbage is sorted. The infrared module and the motor module realize the function of automatic closing and closing after the person leaves. This design structure is relatively simple, stable operation and low cost, and it is widely used in middle and high grade residential areas.
Key words: Motor; Voice; Light; Intelligent; Garbage classification; Single chip microcomputer
1 引言
1.1 研究背景与研究意义