
 2023-09-28 08:52:09


摘 要



Abstract: In this paper, using the method of correlation analysis and factor contribution rate estimates, research at the national level quality of demographic dividend, demographic dividend quantity and correlation of GDP, cultural level and the level of per capita GDP provinces interval correlation, the demographic dividend provinces interval quality, quantity, demographic dividend to measure the contribution rate of GDP. It also studies the correlation between international employment, researchers and ramp;d spending and GDP. Conclusion: at the national level, from 1998 to 2016, the correlation between quality demographic dividend and GDP was significantly greater than that between quantity demographic dividend and GDP, R squared was about 0.93. The level of population culture and per capita GDP in each province is getting closer and closer. The statistical results of the contribution rate show that the quality demographic dividend contributes more and more to GDP, while the quantity demographic dividend contributes less and less to GDP. International comparisons show that employment has little correlation with GDP, while ramp;d personnel and ramp;d expenditure are highly correlated with GDP. The author thinks that the demographic dividend should have a sober understanding, the future of China"s demographic dividend is not like some of the media or scholars advocated by two-child policy to increase the number of the labor force to the continuation of the so-called demographic dividend, but to strengthen technological innovation, improve labor productivity, depending on the quality of Labour promoted to implement quality demographic dividend to improve national competitiveness.

Keywords: quality demographic dividend, quantity demographic dividend, GDP, correlation, contribution


1 研究背景与文献综述 4

1.1 研究背景 4

1.2 文献综述 4

2 数据来源、研究思路与方法 5

2.1 数据来源 5

2.2 研究思路 5

2.3 研究方法 6

3 国家层面纵横对比质量人口红利及数量人口红利与GDP的相关性 7

3.1 1998-2016年质量人口红利、数量人口红利与GDP的相关性分析 7

3.2 各省区间文化水平与人均GDP的相关性分析 8

4 各省区间质量人口红利、数量人口红利对GDP的贡献率测算 9

5 国际间就业人数、研究人员及研发经费与GDP的相关性分析 10

5.1 两个年份就业人数、研究人员及研发经费与GDP等数据的分析 10

5.2 两个年份就业人数、研究人员及研发经费与GDP的相关性分析 11

结论 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15

1 研究背景与文献综述

1.1 研究背景

关于传统人口红利的定义,David E.Bloom(2002)等国外学者,把人口年龄结构变动对经济增长的促进作用称之为人口红利[1]




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