摘 要
Abstract:The city is the product of human civilization, the study of the city has important significance to anthropology, sociology, history and so on. The study of the origin of cities is the most basic part of the study of the city. The study of the origin of Chinese cities also provides an example for studying the development of modern cities. Chinese culture is from the west began in the late qing dynasty was mentioned, the origins of civilization developed Chinese cities aboriginality problem for many years has not been mentioned, need further study to prove the origin of the Chinese urban native historical facts better. This article first from the ancient Chinese civilization has aboriginality, from industry, crops, architecture, social structure evolution history prove that native Chinese origins of civilization is their own, and then expounds the origin of the Chinese urban conditions have aboriginality, to prove the origin of Chinese cities aboriginality. This study integrated multidisciplinary cross research Angle of view, from the development of Chinese cultural inheritance of aboriginality to confirm the origin of Chinese cities aboriginality, combined with the general conditions of the origin of city and China"s own actual, either from the geography comprehensive prove origin of city has the characteristics of aboriginality, also can improve our cultural confidence.
Keywords:The origin of civilization, the origin of the city, the soil, the origin conditions.
1 引言 4
2 研究思路与方法 4
2.1 研究思路 5
2.2 研究方法 5
3 中国文化具有本土性 5
3.1 黄河流域文明具有本土性 6
3.2 长江流域文明具有本土性 6
4 城市起源条件具有本土性 8
4.1 城市起源的本土性条件 8
4.2 黄河流域具备城市起源的本土性条件 10
4.3 长江流域具备城市起源的本土性条件 10
4.4 早期城市具备城市起源的本土性条件 10
总结 12
附录 13
参考文献 14
1 引言
城市在人类文明中扮演着重要的角色,城市也在人类文明的进步中而逐步成长起来, “文明与文化的关系根据于人与社会的关系。在一定意义上, 文明是社会的主观表现, 文化是社会的客观表现。” [1] 殷墟遗址的挖掘让我国最早将城市与文明联系起来,城市是人类文明发展到一定阶段的产物[2]。城市起源的属性包括自然环境条件、原始种植业和畜牧业、生产工具和手工制品、建筑和墓葬以及社会结构等。城市起源的本土性是指城市起源的条件和发展动因来源本土,很少受外部因素影响,是中国这片土地上土生土长的,带有中国本土特征,受中国本土文化的影响,也反映本土文化。