目 录
1引言 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 1
1.1.3研究主要内容 1
2相关理论概述 2
2.1概念界定 2
2.1.1股权集中度 2
2.1.2企业绩效 2
2.2 理论基础:代理成本理论 3
2.2.1 第一重委托代理成本 3
2.2.2 第二重委托代理成本 3
2.3国内外股权集中度与公司绩效关系相关文献回顾 3
2.3.1正相关关系 4
2.3.2负相关关系 4
2.3.3非线性关系 4
3假设提出 5
3.1假设提出 5
3.2样本选择 6
3.3变量设计 6
3.3.1被解释变量 6
3.3.2解释变量 6
3.3.3控制变量 7
3.4模型设计 7
4结果分析 8
4.1描述性统计分析 8
4.2相关性分析 9
4.3回归分析 10
4.4稳健性检验 11
5结论与建议 12
5.1结论 12
5.2建议 12
参考文献 14
致谢 16
Abstract: ownership concentration is an important part of the ownership structure, for the creation of corporate performance has important theoretical and practical significance, the pyramid of the ownership structure of listed companies there are some problems, such as equity concentration, a dominant, the phenomenon such as insider trading, harm the legitimate rights and interests of minority shareholders, etc., affect the company's overall operating efficiency.If can reasonable analysis of the ownership concentration on the performance of high and new technology company create what effect, and puts forward corresponding Suggestions, to promote the development of high-tech industries will be of great significance.This article selects the a-share listed high-tech company seven years between 2011 and 2017 valid data, using the panel regression analysis method, analyzed the first big shareholder shareholding and create the top five shareholders' shareholding on corporate performance.
Research results show that the high and new technology listed companies the largest shareholder ownership has a negative influence on corporate performance, the top five shareholders' ownership has a positive influence on corporate performance, thus can be concluded that the high and new technology listed company managers in the process of operation and management should pay attention to the impact on the business of shareholders share, for the enterprise to build a reasonable equity focus mode, to avoid a dominant.
Key words: high-tech listed companies;Ownership concentration;Performance;The empirical analysis