目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1图像处理方法在X射线缺陷检测中的应用 1
1.2.2 模式识别方法在X射线检测与识别上的应用 2
1.3文章流程概述 3
2 X射线焊缝图像预处理 4
2.1 256色图像转为灰度图 4
2.2灰度拉伸 4
2.3自适应的图像二值化方法 6
2.4灰度投影 7
2.5中值滤波 8
2.6焊缝图像模糊增强 9
3 X射线焊缝图像缺陷提取 10
3.1对图像奇异点的处理 11
3.1.1腐蚀 11
3.1.2膨胀 12
3.1.3开操作 12
3.2图像连通性 12
3.3缺陷提取与背景分离 13
3.3.1边缘检测 13
3.3.2目标区域填充 14
3.3.3缺陷提取 15
4 实验比较与分析 15
5 结论 16
参考文献 17
致谢 19
, China
Abstract:Industrial welding usually have all kinds of defects, successful defect detection is an important basis for improving weld quality. X-ray detection is one of the most widely used in the non-destructive testing of welding defects. However, X-ray film is mainly evaluated by manual observation. Therefore, there are inconsistencies in subjective standard, easy to misjudge and negligence; Labor costs, low efficiency and other drawbacks. With the rapid development of pattern recognition methods and digital image processing technology, the researchers have a better understanding of the method of image detection. After careful investigation, this paper presents an intelligent evaluation model for X-ray weld defects. Firstly, the grayscale stretching is used to solve the problem that the background of some parts of the original X-ray image is too low. Secondly, the original weld defect image is cut to reduce the calculation cost by using the gray mapping method. Third, we use median filtering, corrosion, expansion and other methods to improve the cutting area, try our best to eliminate the singular points in the region and highlight the defective part of the binary map; then, employ con-nectivity, edge detection and hole fill to mark the defective part, and finally, if the defect area reaches 2% of the total area, the weld is considered unqualified.
Based on the experimental analysis of 80 different types of defects, the algorithm proposed in this paper has an average accuracy of 0.997 and an average specificity of 0.995, with the evaluate method proposed in this paper. The steps used in the algorithm have an important effect on the accuracy of the whole algorithm. Overall, the model is sufficient to judge the quality of a weld film and has a satisfied accuracy. In the same situation, the unacceptable welds identified by the manual are consistent with the unacceptable welds identified by the machine, and the accuracy rate is 0.963, which shows the high accuracy of the model. Therefore, through further exploration and improvement, the machine to identify the weld defects can replace the artificial weld defect identification.
Key words:Median filter; Grayscale stretching; Blurred image enhancement ; Corrosion and expansion; Image connectivity
1 绪论
鉴于以上种种原因,准确检测焊缝缺陷就成了确保工业安全的重要研究方向。X射线焊缝缺陷检测是焊缝缺陷中大范围运用的无损检测技术之一,经过近年的发展,已经成为保障焊接结构件质量的主要方法。而目前X射线焊缝质量检测的评定最主要的还是采用人工评定,即将 X 射线胶片放在照射强烈背景灯上观察。对于一般评片人员来说,易疲劳、工作量大,从人工完成的评片任务质量看,则存在工作效率低、结果具有相当的主观性,易产生误判和漏判且胶片资料不易保存等缺点。为了大幅度降低人工成本,减轻工人的工作强度、大幅度提高底片评价的精确度,运用计算机对 X 射线缺陷图像进行自动检测就有了极为重要的意义。
进入20世纪80年代以后,世界计算机技术与电子技术发展迅速,对完成X 射线的数字化过程起到了很大的促进作用。近年来图像处理技术与模式识别方法在理论上有了很大的完善,发展迅速,研究人员提出的用图像处理技术对X射线数字图像进行检测与识别的方法在速度及正确率上都得有了很大的提升。但是由于X射线焊缝底片在数字化过程中本身大都存在对比度差,噪声大,焊缝中焊波背景干扰严重等缺陷,这些都增加了缺陷自动检测与识别中的难度。
(1) 图像预处理
图像预处理中第一步通常是降低噪声,而图片噪声大都具有高频率的特点,因而多数方法都采用低通滤波器进行去噪。在X射线图像去噪处理中使用最广泛的滤波器是中值滤波器。中值滤波与高斯滤波、均值滤波不同,不会去除某些较为细小的缺陷或是降低图像清晰度。并且,Wang和Liao[2]指出,在射线图像消除噪声时,鉴于X射线数字图像中灰度级的变化,难以选择滤波器的种类。同时,文章又指出或大小的中值滤波器对X射线焊缝图像最适用。X射线图像去噪的另一个效果较好的滤波器是Fabrizio Russo[3]所描述的非线性模糊滤波器。