目 录
摘要 3
Abstract 4
1. 绪论 5
1.1 课题背景 5
1.2 研究现状 5
1.3 课题研究意义 5
2. 相关理论基础 7
2.1 局域网相关概念 7
2.2 Winsock技术 7
2.3 套接字(socket) 7
2.4 Windows Sockets API 8
2.5 Windows五种常用I/O模型 9
2.6 网络体系结构及协议 9
2.6.1 TCP/IP网络体系结构 9
2.6.2 主要协议分析 10
3. 系统设计 13
3.1 概要设计 13
3.2 局域网内的C/S架构 13
3.3 系统功能模块设计 13
3.3.1 监控端(客户端)主要模块 13
3.3.2 被监控端(服务器端)主要模块 14
3.4 监控端与被监控端建立连接原理 14
3.5 开发环境 15
4. 服务器端实现 16
4.1 服务器端程序框架 16
4.2 服务器端使用的Windows API 16
4.3 霍夫曼编码方法 20
4.4 服务器端位图发送过程 21
5. 客户端实现 22
5.1 客户端程序框架 22
5.2 客户端所使用的Windows API 22
5.3 客户端位图接收过程 23
5.4 模拟键盘鼠标消息 23
5.4.1 实现原理 23
5.4.2 需要使用的函数 23
6. 实验结果 25
6.1 服务器端运行结果 25
6.2 客户端运行结果 25
7. 结论与展望 28
参考文献 29
致谢 30
附录 31
, China
Abstract: With the rapid development of the Internet, the Internet has become an irreplaceable part of people's daily lives. As of December 2017, the number of Internet users in China reached 772 million, and the Internet penetration rate reached 55.8%. However, the Internet is a double-edged sword that brings convenience to people and brings potential threats. How to ensure intranet Information security, how to rationally use the resources in the LAN, this is the main problem faced by current researchers and network administrators. With the popularity of LAN,LAN monitoring software is widely used in many places. In family, parents can monitor the child's desktop and supervise their children to use the computer to access the Internet properly. In school, the teachers can use the LAN monitoring software to monitor the computer desktop in the computer room and urge the students to use the computer to access the Internet resonably. In the enterprise, managers can monitor the employees' desktops so that employees do not do work-unrelated matters during business hours. Therefore, network monitoring is very necessary, it can effectively improve time utilization, the rational use of the network,and work efficiency. Through these systems many remote operations can be carried out, including capturing computer screen images of the monitored computer, performing file operations on remote computers, and extracting keyboard and mouse events. In this paper, I studies a small-scale LAN client desktop screen monitoring system based on C/S structure, including client and server. After the remote services are established between the two computers, the client can obtain the screen shots of monitored computer sending remote operation commands etc. through the remote service.
Key words: Network Communication; Sockets;TCP;Remote Monitoring
局域网(Local Area Network),简称LAN,是指在某一区域内由多台计算机互联成的计算机组。“某一区域”指的是同一办公室、同一建筑物、同一公司和同一学校等,一般是方圆几千米以内。局域网可以实现文件管理、应用软件共享、打印机共享、扫描仪共享、工作组内的日程安排、电子邮件和传真通信服务等功能。局域网是封闭型的,可以由办公室内的两台计算机组成,也可以由一个公司内的上千台计算机组成。