
 2022-01-18 00:03:11

A Preliminary Comparative Study on Chinese and Korean Double - object Structures from the Perspective of Typology

By Yan Hui

In partial fulfillment of the requirement

For the B. A. degree

Department of English

School of Languages and Cultures

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

May, 2017


I am indebted first and foremost to my supervisor Mr. Zheng Youqi for his continuous support and guidance, constructive suggestions, and for encouraging me not to fear conducting provoking and uncompromising research. I have learned a lot of knowledge and valuable experiences during these months, whether it is in life or learning. Finally, I would like to thank all judges for reading my paper in their busy time.


1. Introduction - 1 -

2. Literature Review - 1 -

2.1 Studies on the Characteristics of Chinese double-object structure - 2 -

2.2 Studies on the Characteristics of Korean double-object structure - 3 -

3. The Correspondence Relationship between Chinese and Korean Dynasties - 4 -

3.1 Correspondence of Korean double-object Structure - 4 -

3.1.1 Prototype double-object structure - 6 -

3.1.2 variant double-object structure - 6 -

3.2 Correspondence of Chinese Double object Structure - 8 -

3.2.1 Typical double-object structure - 8 -

3.2.2 Quasi double-object structure - 8 -

4. The Study of "S V to NP1 NP2" in Chinese and Korea............................-9 -

4.1 Formal contrast ..................................................................................- 9 -

4.2 Comparison of sentence survival conditions - 10 -

5. Conclusion - 10 -

References - 11 -

A Preliminary Comparative Study of Chinese and Korean Double - object Structure from the Perspective of Typology

Yan Hui

Department of English

School of Language and Culture

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

Abstract: Double-object construction has been found to be one of the most basic structures in nearly all natural languages. There is no exception to Chinese or Korean. Double-object structure is complex and diverse. And different from those in Chinese, Korean double-object structure has many variants, which are determined by the viscosity of Korean. From the perspective of typology, the study of Chinese and Korean double-object structure is divided into two layers: from the general perspective analysis is made on the characteristics of Chinese and Korean double object structure;from the narrow sense, comparison is made between the corresponding form “S V to NP1 NP2” of Chinese and Korean. From the perspective of typology, the difference between Chinese and Korean double object structure can be clearly understood.

Key words: typology; Chinese; Korean; comparison; double-object construction

摘 要:双宾结构是自然语言中普遍存在的最基本的结构之一,汉语和韩国语也不例外。双宾结构复杂多样,与汉语不同,韩语双宾结构有很多变式,这是由韩语的黏稠性决定的。从类型学视角出发,本研究将对汉韩双宾结构的研究分为两层:从广义对汉韩双宾结构的特点进行分析,从狭义对汉韩双宾结构的特殊形式“S V to NP1 NP2”进行对比。从类型学视角出发,通过对比可以清晰地了解汉韩双宾结构的差异。


1. Introduction

In this paper, the structure of Chinese and Korean double-object structure are compared with each other. By the special sentence "S V to NP1 NP2”, (Haspelmath,M,2011:67)The paper is to explore the characteristics, the differences and corresponding relationship between Chinese and Korean double-object structures.

Throughout the study, Sunwoo Lee amp; Soonhyuck Park (1995) analyzes the Korean Double object structure from the perspective of the minimalist program, and puts forward the mechanism of the Double object structure;Judy Yoo-Kyung baek and Jung-mo Lee (2004) argue that the direct object has an asymmetric composition to Double object structure in Korean; Jiang Jinyuan (2001) thought that in the "V to" structure, “to” is a verb, and V to NP1 NP2 is a Double object structure(Harley,H,2002:49).

It is found that although the research results of the double-object structure ontology are rich, but they are not entirely satisfactory. Moreover, although there are many studies on the contrast between Chinese and Korean,there is still a lack of comprehensive and systematic research on the structure of Chinese and Korean double-object structure.

  1. Literature Review

Subject, predicate, object are identified as the same syntactic part in the Chinese and Korean sentences. In fact, the language system is a huge unity. In this system, the canonical Chinese word order is SVO. Take “我爱你(S-我;V-爱;O-你)” for example. In Chinese its word order is canonical, that is, SVO, while in Korean its word order is the non-canonical SOV,e. g: 당신 은 나 를 사랑 한다; “你爱我” S-당신;O-나;V-사랑 한다,in which the affix (은/는/을/를)is joined in Korean grammar is to make the sentence composition clearer.(관재일,2012:23)Affixes are sticky ingredients, and have no practical significance, which are the basic order structure of Chinese and Korean Double object structure, referred to as the natural language in a narrative verb with two objects at the same time, one being a direct object, the other an indirect object, which is also called near object and far object, (남기심,2001:65) including: (1) Verb indirect object direct object; (2) verb preposition “to” indirect object direct object; (3) verb direct object preposition “to” indirect object; (4) preposition to" indirect object verb direct object.

As for the double object of Chinese, indirect object (referring to human object) is in the former and the direct object (referring to the object) is in the post; in Korean direct object is in the former, and indirect object in the post.(고연근·부본관 ,2008:89) So the typical Chinese double structure sentence is: NP1 V NP2 NP3;the Korean typical double is NP1 NP2 NP3 V.


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