An Analysis of the Differences between Bilingual Individual and Second Language Learner in Lexical Inference
By Cheng Yingying
In partial fulfillment of the requirement
For the B. A. degree
Department of English
School of Languages and Cultures
Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology
June 2017
Firstly, I want to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Mr. Liu Jiehai, for his extraordinary patience and consistent encouragement. He has helped me to come across all the difficulties I encountered when writing this thesis, and led me into the world of translation and linguistics, which really broadened my horizon. Also, this thesis could not have reached its present form without his enlightening instruction, impressive kindness and patience.
Then, I’d like to say thank you to my teachers, classmates and families, who gave me lots of supports during writing. Their encouragement and constructive suggestions fulfilled this thesis.
1. Introduction 2
1.1 The Definition of Bilingualism 2
1.2 The Definition of Second Language Learner 3
1.3 Differences and Similarities between L2 Learner and Bilingual Individual 4
2. Lexical Inference in Interpretation 5
2.1 What Is Lexical Inference 5
2.2 The Necessity of Lexical Inference Based on Interpretation 6
3. Factors Account for Differences between Bilingual Individual and L2 Learner 7
3.1 Cognitive Perspective 8
3.1.1 Language Transfer 8
3.1.2 Language Aptitude 9
3.2 Cultural Perspective 10
3.2.1 Exposure Time to the Language Environment 10
3.2.2 The Frequency of Using the Language 11
3.3 Other Perspectives 12
3.3.1 Contextual Factors 12
3.3.2 Lexical Factors 12
4. Conclusion 13
References 15
An Analysis of the Differences between Bilingual Individual and Second Language Learner in Lexical Inference
Cheng Yingying
Department of English
School of Languages and Cultures
Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology
Abstract: Lexical Inference is a complicated psychical process, which exists throughout the contextual understanding. It is a crucial feature of learning new vocabularies when acquiring a new language. In addition, the study of comparison of bilingualism and second language learning has also become a prevailed topic in recent years. Based on the previous researches as well as the learning of interpretation, this thesis combines the two topics above to analyze the differences between bilingual individual and second language learner in lexical inference.
Key words: bilingualism, lexical inference, second language acquisition
摘 要:词汇推理是一个复杂的心理过程,贯穿语篇理解的全部,也是第二语言学习中附带词汇习得过程的关键环节,而二语习得和双语研究近年来也逐渐变成热点话题。本文将在现存的研究基础上,结合以上两个方面,以双语者和二语习得者在口译中学习的异同为切入点,深入探讨二者在词汇推理方面的差异分析。
1. Introduction
- The Definition of Bilingualism
With globalization integration going deeper, and the rate of cross-country marriage as well as immigration increasing, we can apparently feel the number of people who speak more than one language is soared during these years. Generally, we call these people, who are able to use more than one languages, bilingual individuals, and this kind of trend is called bilingualism. For now, bilingualism has become a more social issue than a purely linguistic phenomenon.
Bilingualism refers to the phenomenon of competence and communication in two languages, has always drawn intensive attention from scholars. A bilingual individual is someone who has the ability to communicate in two languages alternatively. Some scholars always refer such an ability or psychological state in the individual as bilinguality (Hamers and Blanc 2000). Moreover, bilingualism is not only has been studied as an individual but also as a societal phenomenon (Sridhar 1996).
There are lots of factors to describe and categorize bilingualism, including age, sex, intelligence, and whatnot, amongst age has been a significant discussion of all.
From a broad point of view, there are three main types of bilingualism, namely, coordinated bilingualism, compound bilingualism, and late bilingualism. Both coordinated and compound bilingualism develop in early childhood belong to the forms of early bilingualism, whereas late bilingualism develops when a second language is learned after age 12.
In coordinated bilingualism, children develop two parallel linguistic systems, so that for any words, the child has two signifiers and two signifieds. One situation in which a child may develop coordinated bilingualism is when the child grows up in a circumstance where his parents possess their mother tongues respectively and each of them speaks only his or her own mother language to the child. In response, the child constructs two separate linguistic systems and can handle each of them easily. Another such situation is that their parents who speak a different language adopt relatively young children who have already mastered their mother tongue. However, no matter in which situation, the distinction between the two languages is crystal-clear for the child.
Compound bilingualism is what occurs when both parents are bilingual and both speak to the child in both languages indiscriminately. Though the child will grow up to speak both languages effortlessly and even approximately like a native speaker, they are unable to master all the subtleties of either language. In other words, children have only one signified for two signifiers in compound bilingualism, so cannot detect the conceptual differences between the two languages. There are, of course, some cases of bilingualism that lie between these extremes, because there are many other elements affecting people's acquisition of a second language, such as family status, educational environment, work experiences, etc. In a word, coordinate bilingualism is concerned with in a situation where the two languages are acquired simultaneously, and compound bilingualism refers to a situation in which individual developed a linguistic system for his or her native languages and then acquire another language after that.