
 2022-01-18 00:03:36

Preliminary Analysis of Children’s English Teaching Methods Based on Interest

By Bao Lei

In partial fulfillment of the requirement

For the B. A. degree

Department of English

School of Languages and Cultures

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

April, 2017


This thesis cannot be accomplished without the continuous encouragement and illuminating guidance from my supervisor, Professor Wu Jianlan. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Therefore, my deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to her. I am also indebted to my beloved family for their loving care for me and confidence in me. Last my thank would go to my classmates and friends who spared their time in listening to me and helping me analyze what my troubles are and gave valuable advice in the course of the tough times of the thesis.


1. Introduction - 2 -

1.1 The significanc of the study on children’s English teaching - 2 -

1.2 The significance of interest in children’s English learning - 2 -

1.3 Achievements of related researches………………………………………………….- 3 -

2. Physical and mental features of preprimary children - 3 -

2.1 Activeness and vigorousness - 3 -

2.2 Imitation - 3 -

2.3 Visualized cognition…………………………………………………………………..- 4 -

3. Teaching methods that could arouse children’s interest - 4 -

3.1 Total physical response (TPR) - 4 -

3.2 Games in teaching - 5 -

3.3 Situational Language Teaching - 5 -

3.3.1 Environment arrangements - 7 -

3.3.2 Taking advantage of daily routines - 7 -

3.3.3 Making use of stories - 7 -

4. An example of teaching plan…………………………………………………............. - 8 -

5. Conclusion ……….- 11 -

References - 12 -

Preliminary Analysis of Preprimary Children’s English Teaching Methods Based on Interest

Bao Lei

Department of English

School of Language and Culture

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

Abstract: In the background of economic globalization, which is deepening, children's English education becomes popular gradually. Kindergarten English courses are developed and an increasing number of children’s English institutions are established, demonstrating the vigorous development of children's English education. However, the basic goal of children's English education to protect children's interest seems to be being forgotten. On the basis of children’s physical and mental development characteristics and their cognitive features, this thesis discussed some of the most effective teaching methods to attract children's interest in learning in order to provide guidance methodology for children's English education and to improve the efficiency of class, cultivate children’s good impression on the English language and lay the foundation for further English learning.

Key words: Children’s English; Interest; Teaching Method

摘 要:在经济全球化不断深化的背景下,幼儿英语教育逐渐普及。不知不觉中,幼儿园早早地开设了幼儿英语课程,各种私立、民办的教育机构也呈现井喷式的发展,这些都说明幼儿英语教育发展的速度之快。然而与此同时,幼儿英语教育应以培养幼儿的兴趣这一基本目标似乎正在被人们所遗忘。本文从幼儿的身心发展及认知特点出发,讨论几种最能激发幼儿学习兴趣的英语教学方法,为幼儿英语教育者提供方法论的指导,从而提高课堂效率,使幼儿对英语这门语言产生好感和兴趣,使得将来的英语学习能够事半功倍。


1. Introduction

1.1 The significance of the study on children’s English teaching methods

As English mania emerged in China many years ago, its development has never slowed down after that. An increasing number of parents pay great attention to English teaching to their kids, and fairly a number of children have started learning English before seven years old. As a result, a great variety of children’s English education institutions have mushroomed recently. Nevertheless, the education quality and effect of some of these institutions cannot be certified. What’s worse, quite a few parents and instructors ignore children’s nature and use unfit methods to teach English, which may contribute to the destruction of children’s interest.

Additionally, the objectives of children’s English teaching are to foster children’s interest in English activities, cultivate children’s communicational abilities in English and increase their sensitivity and help them learn English better in the future.

In a word, it is critical to figure out scientific and effective methods which not only are suitable for children, but also can guide the market.


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